3| Maybe

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"I had a great time tonight. We should definitely do it again sometime," I heard my kitten say.

"Definitely, Tora. Maybe next week?" Milo said.

"Sure. Next week. See you Monday at school."

"Bye, princess."

The door closed. She walked past me mumbling about not being a princess.

She's always a princess.

Her tail twitched, apparently due to the fact that my Ki is low but detectable.

"Who's there? I have a powerful Ki and I'm not afraid to use it," she said fearfully.

She wasn't too far from me so I grabbed her tail.

She gasp.

"Tell me who you are, stranger," she said in a whisper.

I squeezed her tail so she can start purring.

Just as she started purring, her phone began to ring.

"H-hello? Oh, hey. N-no everything is f-fine, Bulma. We're fine. I'll t-tell him. Bye, Bulma. Tell Vegeta I said hi."

Trunks, pull yourself together, man.

"Trunks, please let me go. If you squeeze a Sayian's tail for too long, I can't be responsible for what happens," she whimpered.

I let go of her tail and she took off running.

I wonder what she meant by she won't be responsible for what happens.


He almost cost me my purity.

I heard before Planet Vegeta was destroyed, not giving yourself up is a sign of respect and brought wealth to your family. A lot of female Sayian's didn't stay pure though.

Just because Planet Vegeta doesn't exist anymore doesn't mean that I don't value my purity.


"Trunks! Bring yourself and your guest down here! I brought food made by Chichi!" I heard a loud voice yell.

A door slammed open. It was Trunks.

"Come on, kitten. There's food. I know you like to eat a lot of food," he said.

"I'm up, you worthless twit," I murmured.

"Worthless twit? Just get up."

"Give me five minutes."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Right after he said that, he poured a bucket of ice water on me.

I screamed so loud that Trunks had to cover his ears.

I used that opportunity to pounce on him. I formed a ki blast.

"What is going on here? Tora? Is that you?" I look up to find my favorite mentor and father figure staring down at Trunks and I.

"Goku!" I got up and wrapped my arms around Goku. "I'm so happy to see you! I've been practicing. I even got to Super Sayian Blue!"

"That's great Tora! Have you sparred with your new form yet?"

"Yes. With Vegeta about 6 months ago. I won. Not too bad for a teenage Sayian like myself."

"So... What were you doing on top of Trunks? And why are you wet?"

That set Trunks off. Goku and I looked at him.

"What's so funny?" Goku asked.

He finally stopped laughing."Goku, you have no idea when you make dirty innuendoes, do you?"

"Nope. Chichi even gets frustrated with me." He said proudly.

"Goku, that's not something to be proud about," I said.

"Eh. Anyone wants Chichi's food? It's a lot of food."

"Oh yeah! I love her cooking!"

I ran to the dining room to get my share of food.


After Goku left, I called Goten's house.

"Hello?" Chichi said.

"Yeah, it's Trunks. May I speak to Goten?" I asked.

"Of course. Goten! Trunks is on the phone!"

I heard shuffling and possibly a thud.

"Wassup, Trunks?" Goten greeted.

"Tora," I said.

"What did you do, man?"

"Made her purr. It was a real turn on."

"Wait, wait. How on Kami did you make Tora purr?"

"Apparently, when someone squeezes a Sayian's tail hard enough, they start purring. At least I found out why Dad blasted my tail off."

"Cruel. Do what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Tell her my feelings?"

"Milo, remember?"

"There's no problem with that. I'm the son of the CEO of Capsule Corp. I can threaten him with his dad's job. His dad works for my mom."

"Don't you think that's unfair. I don't think you should do that. Just let fate take it's course. There's only one-sided feelings when it comes to Milo and Tora."

"How can you tell?"

"There is so much sexual tension between you and Tora. How can you not feel it?"

"Maybe it's something that I ignore, because it'll kill me on the inside if I let it in."


That's deep, Trunks.

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