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(Time skip) 《Zoe 》

As i walked down stairs it was like 3 in the morning I walked into the kitched and drunk 2 cups of water

" that sure is alot of water do you wanna eat ?" Ukyo said

"No I'm fine I'm not hungry I just came for some water"

"Ok well good night you have school in the morning you should get rest " he said

" ok thx night" I ran to my room

"They have nothing hot" I sighed

(Lazy author Time skip)

It's been a week now since i have been in school with ema and fuuto and yusuke we sit together at lunch sometimes which makes the girls mad at me so right now I know what's happening in the girls bathroom people's gathered around sighs

"Bitch we want you to stay away from yusuke and fuuto Asahina or we will hurt you do you understand little slut" a red head girl said so to make them angry

you know I'm an ass when people annoy me

" oh you wound me your words hurt like arrows to my fragile heart hear the sarcasm bitches or are you death you see I don't care about your little ' horny girl club' but i can't be friends and hang out with who ever i want ok sweeties so get outta my face" i smirked laughing the girls got angry and slapped me as the other to punched me and they were hitting me I just stood there laughing

" oh how stupid and pathetic you bitches are so worthless " I grabbed ones face with my whole hand as she screamed my nails going into her face I then the her go and punch her so hard in her nose I heard her nose crack now it's bleeding

I'm laughing at the pain the girl is in until another girl slapped me harder

I turned around so fast and slapped her so hard you didn't even see me hit her as her cheek is bleeding alot I scratch slapped her so hard she can't even feel her cheek now the next girl pushes me and tried to run [ ok let me quote ]'tried' she really did

I grabbed her kneeling her in the stomach nonstop till the principal pulled me out of the bathroom and to his office

I smiled and ukyo came in with a look of disappointment

"So let me tell u what she did to them ...She broke a girls nose scratches and slapped a'girl then continued to knee the third girl in the stomach till I pulled her off she will be suspended for a few months and stay home as the girls will be suspended to a different school for one month for bullying " he said

" honestly I don't give a damn they tried to bully me so I showed them what a taste of bad bitch us like the real world is cruel as fuck the real world is cruel" I said they both look at me in shock

" I see on your previous records you were expelled from schools for fighting " the principal said

" yup" was all I said

" ok then don't fight at this school take this suspension as a warning girl you may go"he said

As we walked out and the girls walked in I peeked in the door" fuck you hoes such my imaginary 9 inch cock and choke on it hehe drop dead " I closed the door as ukyo looked angry

" you are grounded no leaving the house and no vacation trip no tv and no pho-" i stopped him

" do you pay my phone bill " I said

" let me fi-"he said I inturepted him again

"Do you pay my phone bill !" I yelled

" No...." he said

" then you damn shore ain't getting my phone" I laughed

" fine just your grounded ok" he said and we went No home


《 third》

Zoe is down stairs on the couch with the brothers while her dad is on speaker on the phone

"But daddy they were bullying me I have the right to defend myself right" Zoe said fake sobbing

" Zoe I don't wanna hea-" he tried to say

" do you even love me father... if you did you would understand my concept and why I did it unless you wanna send me away again " Zoe said in a serious voice

"Z-zoe I'm sorry it's fine I know it was'only for self defense but do hurt them too much next time " he said

" ok by daddy love you " she hung up and smirked at the shocked brothers

"So your suspended for a few months for .." kaname said

" I broke a girls nose made another girls face bloody and cut it with my nails the knees a curl in the gut till I wall pulled to the principal's office " she smiled as the brothers shifted uncomfortable

" how did u learn how to defend your self" Subaru asked

" oh my darling sister never talks about me ....well in London I was in a gang" she said the brothers shocked

" w-who was the leader" Iori asked

" Me of course I was the strongest out of all of them" Zoe said

" ...... so every school in London she has been expelled from " ukyo said

" why" masaomi asked

" she beat up students and some teachers and 2 principal's " he said

The all looked at Zoe " hey the woke me up from my nap " she said

" Its not my fault I warned them " she said and walked to her room

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