11 the end

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I haven't had my period and it was due a week ago I'm getting scared so ems bought me a pregnancy test

I'm waiting now for the thing to show up

*tiny Time skip*

I screamed ...."EMA!" she rushed in I started crying then tsubaki came in she saw me crying and hugged me "what's wrong baby girl" I sat up "I'm pregnant tsubaki" I said "your kidding" I shook my head I'm not joking I showed him the test he hugged me tightly "were gonna have a baby"tsubaki started crying then he picked me up and called all the brothers and they came and sat in the living room tsubaki was holding my hand

" What did you call all of us here for "yusuke said annoyed

Me and tsubaki looked at each other
I giggled and wiped a tear from my eye "in my belly it will grow ten little fingers and ten little toes it is the day tsubaki has seen me so happy in this century your the uncle's and ema is the aunt were the parents just to say the at least there's a bun in the oven due in 40 weeks" we smiled

" UR PREGNANT! " they yelled I frowned " y-your not happy...." I looked down

" No we are just surprised" they all hugged me

" so when did you find out" "today"

"Im gonna be a uncle in gonna be an uncle" wataru chanted

" were gonna be parents " I said and kissed tsubaki and smiled tsubaki then got up and got on one knee and pulled out a ring " zoe I love you alot and even tho you can be a little dangerous and bad ass your the love of my life will will you marry me zoe " he said smiling I started crying "yes I will marry you tsubaki "I hugged him while crying


Hope you enjoyed it
Love you rebels

Just so you know I will be making a different brothers conflict book so yeah and the will be an OVA about this book you will find out the child's name so yeah hehe

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