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* zoe*

[10 years late Matt is 7 years old pidge is 2 years old]

"MATT WERES YOUR LITTLE SISTER!"I yelled from across the room


"OK!" I said

I went to see what was happening

"Keef she is a girl" lance said

"What no he Is a boy!"Keith said

"No keef look she has freckles  she is a girl" lance said

"No keef look she has freckles  she is a girl" lance said

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(Not my art got it off google)

"Lance just cause she has freckles doesn't mean-" natsume sighed

"She is a girl Keith now let go of your cousin it's time for lunch" I said

"Okay auntie Zoey/mommy"they all said

[Time skip Matt is 10 pidge is 5]

"Hi little sis "shiro said 'he's my brother from my other family he changed his name cause he thought shiro was way cooler hehehe not'

"Hi shiro hi sweetie"i said kissing pidge cheek

" Hi mommy" pidge said shiro put her down she went to Matt

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" Hi mommy" pidge said shiro put her down she went to Matt

<time skip 5mins>

"MOM!" Matt yelled running to me
"S-shes cutting her hair mom shes cutting her hair i don't know how she got the scissors " he said

" pidge! Come here " you heard her tiny foot steps and then big ones  "honey she cut her hair!" Tsubaki said coming holding her hand as she had hair in her hands eyes with tears in it

" im sorry mommy I'm sorry daddy" she said hugging u both tightly you kissed her cheek and tsubakis " don't worry space nerd  hehehe we still love you just next time ask before you do it and get help"

" I did I asked lance and Keith and hunk and they helped me " they poped up from around the corner" hi auntie" Keith said

" run!" Lance said and they all ran you chasing them laughing

'Oh how I love this life I was made for'  everyone thought

I guess this is the end of me being  the rebel
Hehe  or shall theis brats continue on my story

"Eren, levi stop fighting or I'm telling your mom to pick you up" " oi brat get off of my hair!"  "then let go of my face!"

Probably not hehe they need time  hehe well this is really the end love you rebels hope you loved my book

You fabulous rebels
never stop believing!

Be the rebel you want to b-"


" oh quiznak Keef you broke the window" lance said


"LANCE KEITH GET YOUR *** BACK HERE!" I yelled running to them

" crap lance RUN!"
Keith said and they booked it

"Oi well this is the end of rebel love you guys and gals and non binary"


Don't forget to

Matt: Vote!
Pidge: C-Comment...
Shiro: and Enjoy !!

rebel (Brothers Conflict ) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now