ch5 some heated confessions

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When I opened the door I saw,tsubaki and tried slammed the door on his face i was supposed to be all like fudge this shart I'm out but he had to go and use his foot didn't he

"We need to talk" tsubaki said walking in my room and closing the door locking it

"About what....u hating me ...what your just gonna scream in my face again you gonna call me ugly again ... ur gonna- " I was interrupted my a pair of lips on mine in a strong but patient and sorrow full kiss after we pulled away I looked at his eyes

" tell me how you feel about me please " he said in a low whisper but enough that I could hear it and he looked down

I lifted his chin a month of thinking about him has helped me realize I love him

" I love you I love your voice your eyes your hair your smile your adrenaline I love your everything and I realized that the out of this whole month I couldn't get you off my mind even tho you said thoes things to me I still love you tsubaki I want you to be mine " I said as tears rolled down my face

"I don't wanna be some mean girl with walls blocking her emotions i wanna be that happy girl that jokes plays and doesnt stop for the world I wanna laugh I wanna sing I wanna dance I wanna be yours I love you tsubaki and I could say it a million times I know I sound cheesy asf but it's the best I got" I said

He kissed me and I kissed back he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist he sat on my bed me on his lap and the kiss got more heated and I let him slip his tounge inside him exploring every part of my mouth then we broke for air a string of saliva fell from our lips I smiled and he smiled and chuckled

" oh and ukyo said were all going out to go grocery shopping as a family tomorrow" he said

" okay but what are we now?" I said frustrated and bit my lip

" your mine my girl friend" he said

" and your mine my boy friend " I said

Warning heated enter at ur own risk 》

Tsubaki kissed me deeply I wrapped my arms around his neck he broke the kiss then started trailing kisses down my neck until he hit my g spot on my neck and I started moaning as he nibbled on the part and sucked it leaving it be used with his love bite he then took his shirt off and I took mine off as he in clipped my bra and threw it to the side I tried to cover my breasts 《keyword triedhe pinned my arms with one hand while using the other to grope my breasts and he started sucking on one while groping pinching and playing with the other while I moaned he then continued to take my skirt off LETTING go of my arms leaving me in only my panties i blushed as he took them off " wow your really wet down here ~" He said I blushed" you shouldn't be talking ur hard" I said he the pushed a finger in causing me to help in surprise " did I say to talk back " he said slowly putting another and another i moand in pleasure soon he had 4 fingers in stretching me then he took off his pants and under wear I saw how big he was and panicked " holy unicorns from above it's huge hows,it gonna fit" I said he positioned himself at my womanhood 'good bye innocence I won't miss' I said in my mind " you ready" he asked " y-yeah j-just be gentle with me it's my first he kissed me and shoved it all the way in " o-ouch it hurts tsubaki" I whimpered and some tears fell " it's too big" I whined but after a few moments I adjusted to it and felt pleasure he started moving I moaned " harder~" he nodded and started thrusting harder then faster


"ZOE I'm cumming" "me too" I replied he came inside as I came and felt the liquid dripping off my thighs as we played side by side and slowly fell asleep 'wait shit we didn't use a condom!!!!!' I said in my mind and passed out

《Heated part over》

《TIME SKIP》 when I woke up I woke tsubaki up and he smiled and and we kissed he got dressed and left I got in the shower did my hair put in some blue contacts cleaned my room changed the sheets

and went down stairs as everyone was waiting for tsubaki to get out the shower  and we ate and talked I apologized and everything was fine after dinner we  went to bed tsubaki ended up sleeping in my room then wataru sneaked in my room crying " wh...

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and went down stairs as everyone was waiting for tsubaki to get out the shower and we ate and talked I apologized and everything was fine after dinner we went to bed tsubaki ended up sleeping in my room then wataru sneaked in my room crying " what s wrong " I said " I had a nightmare" I smiled " want me to sing to you "i asked he nodded tsubaki looked at me I kissed his head and wataru and wataru climbed in my bed I got up and turned on my key board and a little light and started singing to both of them

I'll tell the world, I'll sing a song
It's a better place since you came along
Since you came along
Your touch is sunlight through the trees
Your kisses are the ocean breeze
Everything's alright when you're with me

And I hold my favorite thing
I hold the love that you bring
But it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along

I see the whole world in your eyes
It's like I've known you all my life
We just feel so right
So I pour my heart into your hands
It's like you really understand
You love the way I am

And I hold my favorite thing
I hold the happiness you bring
But it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
And the sun paints the skies and the wind sings our song
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along

Now I'm alright
Now I'm alright
Everything's alright

'Cause it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along

I looked at them to see them sleep I layed next to them " I love you guys all of you" I said and fell asleep

Hope you liked it please vote and comment whay you think and don't worry it's not the end bye rebels

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