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Your nothing ,they don't need you ,your a worthless pathetic live of trash , your a monster show ur self , die, die ,die,

I don't wanna die please help me ,help me HELP ME!

I woke up and sat up immediately  I saw needles in my arms and a breathing tube I pulled the needle out of my arm and all the other stuff I was plugged up to Tears fell from my eyes as I saw people there they seemed so  familiar but I was too scared

They hugged me I got even scared " Let go! Let goooo, help me slendy please please!!!!!"  I screamed they let me go nurses  grabbed me  trying to lay me down

" LET ME GO!"  my hair turned orange and my eyes and whole figure changed I had horns that were on fire my skin so pale  as I set her body on fire 

I got up and looked around

" I'm sorry ,I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I went to the lady healed and revived her I then  end back to normal and shook my head  I blinked rapidly and looked at everyone  tears fell from my  eyes

'monster,monster,monster ,monster, die,die,die

I started sobbing  as I looked around starting at everyone's shocked faces  then I recognized them

" y-your my brothers and you saw me like that I'm so stupid I'm such a price of trash I'm pathetic I'm so worthless I'm so so so retarded- "

" your not " ema said I hugged her tightly it soon became a group hugs I saw everyone except tsubaki as he stood in the corner after they let go

" I'm sorry I made I stupid decision I'm sorry I worried  you " I stood up and looked at tsubaki

"I'm sorry I hit you for no reason"  he hugged me then we looked into each other's eyes  and kisses " don't ever do something that stupid again" he said I nodded then looked at the door two people I did not want to see stood at the door

" happy birthday daughter "they hugged me " you left me and never came back for me " I hit my real father  non stop till I was on the floor holding onto his shirt " I hate you,I hate you,I hate you " I sobbed  I then looked behind them to see my older  brother  he picked me up and hugged me while I wrapped my legs around his waist  crying non stop   when I called down two little kids hugged me  I looked at my parents " are they " they nodded I hugged them tightly
  They yawned " big sis sing to us please " I nodded as I wiped tears away   played them next to me on the  bed and my brother sat at the end of the bed started singing

It all became so lovely
Those bluest skies above me
Those funny feelings I had never felt before I met you
I thought I'd stay a while
I tried to learn to smile
So many colors I had never even known

Maybe I'll find myself sitting on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone

Then I see the colors fading
Gentleness of light escaping
Shadows of my fear invading, have I seen this all before?
I know that there's something residing
A terror deep inside me
I couldn't understand how you could be so bold

Maybe I'll find myself smiling on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone

After I finished everyone was sleep except the adults and my big brother

" I wasn't exactly adopted my rintaro so you not really family not like friends " I said

"No wonder you don't look that much like Ema "tsubaki said

I looked at them all " I'm sorry for giving you up we just needed to get our life together  Zoey " dad said  "it's fine  I promise " I said

"Do you want to come home with us" I shook my head "Not yet " I said they nodded hugged me picked up my little siblings and left but I grabbed my brothers hand and looked in his eyes he hugged me tightly"I told you we were coming back to you  don't fought me next time "he said as I choked put a sob and kisses his cheek "I'll visit  okay"he nodded

_Time skip_

Soon everyone was sent home I had therapy and they left me in the hospital fora few days but I'm going home today nobody mentioned my monster form and how I almost killed a nurse so that's good a little  I told everyone ems was kinda mad but got  over it me and tsubaki got together  I'm going to a music and arts collage that my older brother is in her older by one year  I smiled as I was talking to wataru  as he helped me cook  but I got a phone call  


"Hey zoe zoe it's Mark I'm coming to sunrise resistance to visit you soon I miss you how are you"

"I'm good I missed you to"

I then saw tsubaki glaring at me then try to take my phone

" stop tsubaki !" I said he started tickling me I dropped my phone he picked it up

"Hello who is this talking to my girl friend"

"Hello tsubaki this is Mark ur girlfriends best friend "

" oh... bye "he hung up

" you idiot why would you hang up  on him " I said  as he hugged me and kisses me  he then told ukyo to finish cooking and picked me up
I wrapped my legs around his waists  he walked us up to my room closed the door  then  we lauded down him on top of me kissing me non stop as I smiled kissing him back

_warning lemon_●○•°

He then pulled my shirt off and his  he started kissing my neck  until he found my g-stop

"Ah~" I moans as he started sucking  that spot and biting it he then struggled to un clip my bra I giggled  and helped him but as soon as he got it off he threw it and  sucked on my nipple as I moaned in pain and pleasure  after  he then started to  rub my womanhood I moaned  he then started to remove my panties and skirt and his pants  and under wear it was the second time I've saw his huge joystick and it's been a month since   we've done it " i-im kinda sca-" I was interrupted by him smashing his lips into mine and pushing his fingers inside of me I started  to moans like crazy as he trusted his fingers inside of me  he slowly pulled our then turned me around I held onto the sheet as he pushed his self all the way inside of me I moaned but also screamed a little cause it hurt (you know like when u don't have sex for a long time and it feels like your first time yeah that kind of hurt) he  stayed there waiting for me to adjust as I did he slowly started to move while I moaned

"Faster ~" I said

He started going faster and harder as I started moaning  but a little more louder he kept going harder  and faster I felt myself going to my climax

" I'm cumming" tsubaki said

"M-me too" I said

He trusted deeper and faster I moaned loud as I came  and he came inside  we laid next to each other

"I love you tsu "

"I love you too zoey"

We kisses and cuddles

_hope you like it_

I like it




Love you rebels 😙💖💪💪💪

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