ch7 I hate you

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"So you two are dating"  yusuke asked

"Y-yeah but don't tell ok" I said

"What's in it for me" he said

"I'll get you a ps4 and the controllers and all ur favorite games " I said

" fine" he said and walked away

I secretly got a pregnancy test cause I felt sick this morning then I bought 20 boxes of pocky  5 snickers 5 Hershey bars 3 cookie and cream 2 almond   10 almond boys 4 ice cream cakes 10 energy drinks and 20 bags of nacho cheese Doritos  I was about to grab m&ms till  masaomi grabbed my hand

"Isn't that enough zoe " he said my hair covered my face I smirked and started laughing evily

"Oh no"ema said and his being a stack of boxes

" don't fuck with my junk food" I then bit his arm he yelled running around ukyo pulled me off

" dont  ever touch her stuff I learned that the hard way" ema said and shivered

" well how are you going to pay for it" Azusa asked

" I got money  I could pay"
I took the whole box of M&ms and all my stuff to the front  and payed

"See I could pay now no one touch my stuff or they get bit or hit with a shoe wataru is an exception"  I waved bye to ritsu and tetsuya

we walk to the house and stop in front of it

Tsubaki took one of my smokers and bit It I was already plotting his death

" tsubaki~nii she's plotting ur death already " ema said

"I'll make it look like an accident" I pulled a pocket knife out my sleeve and was about to attack him till I felt someone grab me  picking me up

"Woah there kiddo long time no see" I recognised the voice as my biological father  he let me go I kicked him in the dick he feel to his knees " don't touch me why are you here I never want anything to do with you or that women " i kicked him in the face  I then saw my biological mother hold him


" I swear I'm gonna get a restraining order on you people  don't you get it YOU GAVE ME UP I FUCKING HATE YOU YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME "  I said loudly

" we ..just wanted to apologize we thought today  was gonna be the best day but I guess not" my father said

" zoe who are there's people"ema said

" shitttttt ughhhhhhh why did you have to come today of all days" I stepped on my father's head with my hands in my pocket

"I'm sorry butter cup " my father said

" don't call me that u make me suck old man " I said tsubaki picked me up
And walked into the house  ukyo let my parents in

" so who are you" ukyo asked

" awe my darling daughter didn't talk about her real family how sad"  my dad said

"Yup there family" everyone said

"Wait what do you mean zoe has always been my sister" ema said

" Oh they abandoned me and gave me to rin  because they said I was too much of a burden, rin is their friend " I said

"Rin didn't adopt me he only took care of me  then I had to take care of the old man" I said my mother toughed my hair I grabbed her throat

" don't touch me"

"puedes dejar de ser tan irrespetuoso es tan malditamente molesto" mom said ( now can you stop acting like this you being disrespectful)

"Dios mío, no me importa" I said( my god I don't care)

"deja de hablar así ahora, suelta su garganta" dad said ( stop talking like this now let go of her throat)

I let go of her throat  and pouted

" Sería divertido si casi te mato y parece que fue un accidente" I said(It would be fun if I almost killed you and it looked like it was an accident)

"No, ahora deja de hacer preguntas estúpida" mother said ( no now stop asking stupid questions)

" fine" I said

"Okay so this my real family   ema you are rins child he actually took care of you" I said

" so what your saying is that anyone of us you could have been dating you" fuuto said  I nodded

"But don't get your  dick in a bunch I already chose who  who I want pretty boy"

"Who" all of them asked

" tsubaki/me" me and tsubaki said at the same time give me a second I went to the bathroom and took the test it read positive damnit that fucking idiot I'm not ready I put it in the box and in the garbage then came open stairs

My mother then went to the bathroom

《Third 》

What zoe didn't know was that it didn't go on the waste basket...

As zoes mother got out the bathroom holding a box she  took the test ou it read positive she ran down stairs "ZOE CHRISTINA FERNANDEZ WHAT IS THIS" she screamed

"OH SHIT "  zoe saw the box in her hand and test " OMG MOM  GIVE ME IT NOW!"  Zoe yelled

Ukyo stool up and took it  graves it with a napkin time stopped ukyo turned to zoe and tsubaki " ZOE WHAT IS THIS!" He said

" I'm pregnant...." zoe said "with tsubaki baby"


How is it  cliff hanger how do you thing the brother are gonna react

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