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☆ Zoe☆

I felt some one shaking me  I slapped their,hand away and saw it was ema , tsubaki just finished my chocolate bar  i got so angry my whole face turned red " YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I yelled All the brothers looked at me and I kicked tsubaki in the balls hard but not enough to kill his baby makers  he was laying on the ground holding his balls  I then kicked him non stop in the ass until kaname picked me up 

" let's go imouto chan" he said


"Calm down zoe it's only a chocolate bar" masaomi said  I started crying which surprised  all the brothers kaname put me down I kicked him in the balls and ran   but I didn't go home I went to one of my friends school  since they had class right now  I busted the classroom door open "KORO-SENSEI!!" Everyone jumped I hugged koro-sensei sobbing

"What's wrong zoe" he asked

" MY brother took my chocolate bar an ate it then I kicked him in the balls  but my other brother picked me up so when he put me down I kicked him in the balls also  and ran here " I sat in his seat and wiped my face

"Over chocolate bar"bitch-sensei
"Yes over a chocolate bar bitch" i said

"WHO WANTS TO HAVE TO TRIP TO ZOES HOUSE FOR THE FIRST TIME" kaede asked the whole class cheered

"Hey if we go don't touch shit especially you karma  "  I said.

"So what do you say karasuma" bitch sensei asked
" fine"  he said

Everyone then got up and ran to outside  I walked to the window opened it then walked to kaede and slapped her ass "dat ass" she chased me I jumped out the window and on go to sender's back


The brothers were waiting for zoe as,ema put her chocolate the freezer  and they all sat on the couch worried about zoe  tsubaki was mad at zoe for her hurting him

_back with zoe_

They were almost to sunrise residence  when zoe remembered her chocolate she ran and everyone followed her as she  ran in the house and up the stairs everyone following her she saw  all the brothers on the couch looking at her and the people behind her


"In the freezer "  ema said she ran to the freezer  with karma nagisa and kaede following the others waiting she took it out and gave it to  karma and nagisa then she walked and liked under the couch  grabbed l her second gutair case were the guns to  kill koro-sensei were
"you didn't think this was for fun did you "  she tossed the case to kaede

"Damn zoe didn't think you'd go all  karasuma sensei" karma said

" shut up  if anyone complain you get hit with a bullet from my air sift gun and thoes shits hurt ... includes you bitch sensei masaomi can you get up real quick"   masaomi got up  " also ema and kaname and tsubaki " they got up tsubaki didn't even look zoe in the eyes zoe picked up the cussiins and more guns to kill koro sensei and knives also boms that only work on koro sensei "ima need  Yuma, Ryunosuke,Tomohito , Rinka" they came to zoe " Yuma and Ryunosuke in Charge of snipers rinks pistols  tomohito bombs " she gave them bags full of the guns and amo  and told them to go outside and give out the guns and practice " remember KORO sensei is your target  no matters what  dismissed I'll join in a few" they all went out to the backyard and practiced

"Zoe what's going on "  ukyo said

" Oh that ... their  just training before we actually get ready to head out and have fun it  " she said

"Why because their my friends " Zoe added

" I'm sorry kaname for hurting you I was just so angry he ate my chocolate baby  " zoe said

" who's he " Azusa said

"The stupid ass albino over there that ate my chocolate"zoe said  while putting the cussions back

Tsubaki walked past zoe shoving her   and went to his room

Zoe went out to the back yard and started training with them she got so nanny hits on  because she was mad at herself  she then sat out 

" zoe seems angry right" nagisa asked karma

" yeah what's up with her "  karma said

" I heard from korosensei  who was watching them one of the brothers shoves her" kaede said

" which brother so I can beat his ass" karma said

"Okay let's go to the arcade then out to eat" zoe said

" who's paying" yukiko asked

"Me ofc" zoe said and they all walked inside  zoe got her money and called her limo met them out side were they all got in the limo and drive to he arcade

《Timeskip 》

After zoe dropped off  the class irina sensei walked with zoe to a bar  since tomorrow  is  zoes birthday and nobody knows  but ema cause she doesn't want anyone to do anything for her birthday she really hates her birthday.
  irina was taking zoe to a bar/club since she's turning 18 and karasuma  waiting with for them at the bar/club


Zoe and irina got drunk and  was making Snapchat stories of zoe getting drunk  karasuma  drove zoe home and knocked on the door  ema put zoe inside her room secretly and closed the door then went to her own room  ukyo and the others saw the snap of zoe drinking  after a few hrs dinner was ready zoe came down stairs holding her head

"ema  I need  Advil do you got any" zoe said sitting on the railing of the balcony she then jumped off and landed on the couch  and got up and went to the kitchen   ema passed her an Advil she took it with warm water  she turned around and saw the brothers looking at her she rolled her eyes and went on top of the cabinet and grabbed a cigarette and lighter and got down " were are you going" ukyo asked

" outside why would I wanna smoke were there's a 10 year old at" zoe said

" I thought you quit" ema said

" did you for get the deal we made or are you acting stupid " zoe said rubbing her eyes

" I'm sorry ..just... I'll be outside" zoe said was about to walk away till tsubaki grabbed her wrist

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