Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

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Hello again fellow reader. I hope you prepared yourself for Chapter 2 of this story, because this is where "The Journey Begins"

Ok. On with the story


The next day, after Chester had met Dane, the individual who sent him the letter, Chester was now packed and ready for his trip to Wuhu Island. But before he and Bucky depart, Chester heads to the inner city, where he contacted the deputy to meet him there, after he told the mayor about the Invitational. Chester, while riding Bucky, sees Deputy Debra Lindsay outside the Sheriff's station waiting for him.

"Ah, there you are," replied Debra "I was beginning to think that you weren't gonna show up."

Chester hops off Bucky, and walks over to Debra.

"Sorry. I've been a little busy this morning," apologised Chester. "Had to go have a little chat with the mayor."

"Why's that?" asked Debra. "Has the rest of the Bullseye Gang been found?"

"Uh, no," answered Chester, before he told Debra the news "Listen, you remember that letter I got yesterday?"

"Yah?" replied Debra, as she starts drinking coffee.

"Well, turns out it was an invitation to the Super Smash Bros. Invitational," added Chester. Deputy Debra then chokes on coffee and coughs after Chester revealed what the letter actually was. Chester simply chuckles.

"You alright?" asked Chester.

"Of course not!" answered Debra, in shock. "How on earth did you get invited to that?!"

"To be honest, I have no clue," replied Chester. "Guess word about my, er, weaponry just happened to reach the right ears and now this."

Chester hands over the letter to Debra so she could have a look at the letter herself. As she continues reading, her eyes slowly widen.

"No way!" cried Debra, in amazement. "Me and my family travel all the way out to the city just to watch those tournaments on television!"

"I take it you know a bit about this thing then?" asked Chester.

"Of course! I've watched them since I was a little kid,"  answered Debra. "They have all these people come together and fight each other to try and claim the title of Super Smash Champion. And the one who wins the title keeps it until the next tournament."

"Sounds pretty intense," said Chester.

"Yeah, but last year's wasn't that great," replied Debra. "The Mii Gunner ended up leaving early and I heard the Mii Swordfighter was apparently banned or something. Definitely not the most memorable of tournaments."

"Good to know." said Chester "Also since I'll be gone for a awhile, I'm gonna need you to take charge and keep an eye out for invaders"

"Really?" asked Debra, in surprise.

"Yep. Wouldn't allow that for anybody else" replied Chester. "Can I count on you Debbie?"

"I would be honoured. Thank you sir." thanked Debra.

"Excellent! Well, I better get going. I need to be there by this afternoon. Bye Debbie!" said Chester as he headed back over to Bucky.

"Bye Chess."  farewelled Debra. As she watched Chester hop on Bucky, she suddenly remembers something.

"Wait Chester!" called Debra. "I forgot to tell you that some of the contestants-"

Chester doesn't hear her, as he hops on Bucky.

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