Chapter 3

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This chapter has smut!! Sorry about it not being so good I don't usually ever write smut so I did as best as I could! Enjoy!

"Can I kiss you?" Barely giving me a chance to answer, he leans his head down and connects his lips with mine. I've had my first kiss before but it was more of a kiss. I've never made out before. I'm afraid I'll do something wrong. He pulls away, concern on his face.

"Is something wrong, Lizzy?"

"No nothing's wrong. It's perfect. It's just.. I've never really had a real actual first kiss. I had a peck but it wasn't a real legit kiss." I say embarrassed. He just smiles.

"It's okay. I'm glad I got to be your first real kiss. Just follow what I do." He leans in again, this time deepening the kiss. He licks my lips, asking for entrance which I give right away. He deepens the kiss even more and pushes me up against a wall. His hands are on my lower back, mine entangled in his hair. He pulls the straps of my dress down and I start getting nervous, given I have never had sex much less my first real kiss before tonight. He picks me up, not releasing our lips, and gently puts me on the bed. He pulls his shirt off his body and over his head. He crawls on top of me, his groin right on top of mine. I can feel his member harden. Yet I can't stop this because I'm excited as well. I kick my boots off and he pulls his shoes off. He pulls my zipper on my dress down and it slips off. I lay there in my bra and a black floral thong. I decided to wear that in case of something like this.

"Damn." He whispers, barely audible. He pulls his jeans off leaving him in his boxers. I can see his member clearly defined. It looks big. He returns to kissing me, sucking on my skin on my neck, leaving marks. I moan in his ear which makes him harden even more. He starts to lightly grind his member on my area, making me excited. He slipped his fingers into my panties and started fingering me, making me more wet. I kept moaning as he did this and sucked and bit the sensitive skin on my collarbones and neck. With his free hand, he unclasped my bra and slid it off, throwing it somewhere in the room. He played with my breasts and kissed and nibbled on them. The free hand pulled my thong off and he flicked it off his finger. He continued to finger me while pulling his boxers off. His member flew out, standing straight up. He took his fingers out

"Lizzy is it okay?" He looked at me with lust in his eyes. I nodded wanting to feel him in me. He pushed it in just a little bit, and I grasped onto his back with my nails in pain. He pushed farther in. "Hang on baby, I know it hurts. I'm gonna do this fast okay? It's gonna hurt a bit." He suddenly thrust his whole size in and I gasped. He laid on top of me, letting me get used to him.

"Tell me when it's okay." I waited a few seconds before I nodded. He thrust in and out softly, making sure not to hurt me. I groaned which made him thrust a bit faster and harder. It felt amazing. Soon his thrusts got sloppier as we both got close to our highs.

"Shit Lizzy. I'm cumming!"

"Oh god Jack! Me too!" We rode our highs out together and he collapsed on me.

"Holy shit." He smiles at me and I smile back. I hear my phone ring and I get up to grab it. It's Emily.

"Hey Em what's up?"

"I should probably get you guys back. Do you wanna stay at my house? We should be getting going soon. It's 11:45."

"Um I think I'm gonna stay here." I look at Jack and he nods an okay. "Yeah I'm gonna stay here. You have the keys right?"

"Yeah. So should I pick you up tomorrow? 10?"

"10 sounds perfect. Thanks Em." I hang up and Jack had gotten up, putting on his boxers.

"Are you tired? I kind of am. That definitely tired me out." He laughs.

"Yeah I am too. Could I maybe borrow something to wear?" I put my thong back on but kept my bra off. I didn't need it to sleep. Jack threw me a shirt and a pair of boxers.

"Wear those instead of that even though it looks so sexy." He winks at me. I pull my thong off and put on his boxers and throw his RVCA shirt on. I crawl under the covers and he turns the light off, and crawls in with me. He pulls me in close. I lay my head on his shoulder and lay my hand across his chest. He holds me with both his arms.

"You wanna know something?" I nod into his shoulder, too tired to answer. "I liked you all year last year. When we were in government and economics. And math. But I didn't think you would like me because you were a good girl and I was the bad boy. And I invited Madison because I knew she would bring you. The trip was actually on accident. But I'm glad I bumped into you."

"Really? I didn't think you noticed me. I mean there's such pretty girls in those classes. And I'm glad you bumped into me too." I snuggled my head deeper into his neck.

"I pretty much failed all those classes because I would always stare at you." He chuckles.

"I thought you were so stupid when you didn't know the answers to the simplest questions." I start giggling.

"It's because I was staring at you. The teacher would always catch me and catch me off guard!" We both start laughing at those memories. I used to roll my eyes because I thought he was just plain idiotic.

"Hey Liz? Can I ask you another question? You don't have to be pressured to say yes." I never realized that a bad boy like him can be so sensitive. Is he always like this or do I make him like this?

"Sure Jack."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Since he can't see my face I decide to mess with him a little bit. I don't respond for a while. "Lizzy?" He seems concerned.

"Of course Jack. I've had a crush on you all throughout high school." He touches me cheek and brings my face up to his, tenderly kissing me, smiling into the kiss.

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