Chapter 4

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I woke up with a raging headache and arms holding me. I look behind me and remember last night's events. I begin smiling but then I remember Emily would be picking me up at 10. I look at my phone and see it's only 9:03. I turn over in Jack's arms and his eyes flutter open.

"Mmm good morning baby." God that morning voice is so sexy.

"Morning Jack." I smile. "We should probably get up, Emily will be here in an hour." I start to get up remember I'm wearing his clothes so I start to take off my shirt to give it to him. He stops me.

"You wear it. It looks sexy on you. I'll get you some sweats to wear." He gets me pants while I put my panties and shoes on. I just grab my dress and carry it downstairs after I get in his pants.

The house is a disaster. There's beer cans and cups all over. There's stains on the couch of I don't even want to know. Picture frames are broken. I look up at Jack's face to see his reaction but he doesn't seem at all fazed.

"Jack do you need help cleaning? This is terrible!"

"Nope. My mom hires a maid every time I have a party. They always go out of town when I want a big party like this. As long as I'm smart, no driving while drinking, then they're fine with it. Let's make pancakes. I am the pancake master!" He does a funny move and we break out in laughter. He makes the pancakes and puts bananas and chocolate chips in for me when I asked. But I heard the car horn outside which meant Emily was here, probably with the rest of the girls. Jack walked me out. He held me close and I knew the girls were watching. He smiled down at me and kissed me.

"Let's go to the movies or dinner tonight. Okay?"

"Okay." I smile at him.

"I'll text you. I put my number in your phone. I'll see you tonight babe." He winks at me and I walk away to the car. As soon as I get in I see three pairs of surprised faces looking at me.


"J-Jack G-Gil-Gilinsky a-and y-you? No way! Jack doesn't do girlfriends he only does hookups I thought. I mean I don't know that personally just stuff I've heard but Jack Gilinsky and you? Oh my god is this real life?!" All the girls say at once. With them all yelling different things, my headache starts pounding again.

"What did you guys do?! Did you.. Did you have sex?" Kati asks. I don't answer and they all start screaming at me about how I shouldn't have done it and if we used protection and what-not.

But then I sit and think about it. Did we use protection? I mean I'm sure we did. Right? He had a condom on.. Didn't he? I can't remember anymore. I'm sure nothing will happen. I mean when my cousin had sex the first time, she didn't use protection and nothing happened. It's fine. I just need to quit worrying and just get excited for my date with Jack!

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