Chapter 8

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I hear the doorbell ring and I run down the stairs to answer it before my parents do. Sadly, my dad answers first.

"Hello, Mr. Brooks. I'm Jack Gilinsky, Lizzy's boyfriend."

"Hi Jack. It's great to finally meet you. And you can call me Scott." My dad says.

"'Scuse me daddy," I push past him. "Come on in Jack!" I take his hand. After I give him a peck on the cheek I whisper in his ear, "you didn't have to dress this nice to meet my parents."

He was wearing a nice purple shirt with a black tie and black dress pants. For shoes, he wore a pair of black dress shoes.

I on the other hand, was wearing a pair of jeans and a nice blouse with some white Vans. I looked totally crappy compared to him.

"I just wanted to impress your parents. They probably won't be so impressed after we drop the bombshell on them." Crap. I tried to forget about that.

My mom comes out of the kitchen. "Hello Jack! It's nice to meet you!" She comes and gives him a hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you as well, Mrs. Brooks."

"Oh honey. Please just call me Mindy!"

"Hey mom, I'm gonna go change. I don't feel like wearing this when Jack looks so dressed up!" I giggle a little bit as my mom takes Jack into the kitchen while I go change.

I put on the white dress I went to the party in with a chunky brown belt. I decided to just put some gold sandals on instead of the boots, and I put a light jean jacket on. It's not summer anymore. I walk downstairs and my mom tells me to go call my brother up for dinner. After I do that I smell the air.

"Mmm mom what did you make. It smells so good!"

"Chicken pot pie! Remember, Connor? Your 3 favorite things?" My mom breaks out laughing while my brother and I groan.

"Mom every time we have this you make that joke. I said that when I was 10! It's not funny anymore." My brother protests.

"Alright, alright. Well I'm putting the letter J in for Jack." My mom always makes a letter when it's ready to let the steam out a bit. She usually puts one of our initials: S, M, C, L, or B for Brooks.

My brother goes to sit down. "Mom you forgot my place setting."

"I'm sorry Connor! I'm still not used to you living here again." Jack and I go sit down while my mom brings his plate.

"My brother graduated from University of Colorado in May and he got a job not to far from here so he's staying here." I inform Jack.

"Oh no way! That's amazing. Congratulations. I've thought about CU a bit." Jack says. "But my best friend Jack-"

"Wait, your best friend's name is Jack and you're Jack too?" My brother interrupts.

"Yeah! We met in kindergarten. We had the same teacher, same shirt on the first day, and same name. It was pretty much fate. But we have a Vine account and I guess there's a lot of people getting famous. And Jack and I thought if that happens to us, then maybe we move to LA or something. We have about 9,000 followers right now." Well I just learned something about Jack.

"Oh that's so cool! You know, I remember Lizzy used to love this one band, and she had an Instagram account-" I try cutting my brother off, but he is louder than me. "And she had about 10,000 followers? And what happened to it Lizzy?"

"It got hacked but that was years ago so shut up Connor!"

"Haha no it was last year! You were 16."

My mom places the pie on the table and we all start digging in. After dinner and dessert, my brother retreats back downstairs to FaceTime some friends. My parents, Jack and I all sit on our couches talking, them getting to know each other. We realize that we need to say something soon.

"Mom? Dad? Jack and I have something to say..." I trail off. They both wait patiently.

"Um, I'm uh... I'm pregnant. And it's Jack's." I stare at the floor afraid to look at my parents. "I'm so sorry. I understand if you're mad at me. I'm mad at me."

"Honestly it was all really just in the moment and I guess we must have forgotten protection and I'm really sorry, Mr and Mrs. Brooks. This is all my fault and I told Lizzy I want to be there for her. And my mom knows. And she said she would like to help." Jack tells my parents.

"Lizzy we are really upset with you. However, we knew someone who was a teen mom and her parents got her a taxi to the hospital by herself when she went into labor, and she had to take a taxi home from the hospital alone. Her parents forced her to get rid of the baby. And she spent 20 years finding her son. And when she met him she loved him. It wasn't fair to him or to her. So we are going to support you throughout this. And Jack, we aren't mad at you either." I got up and hugged my parents and ran to hug Jack. I cried into his shirt and he rubbed my back. While he held me he talked to my parents.

"Is it okay if I take Lizzy out tonight? And she can come stay at my house if it gets late." My parents both nodded their heads and he told me to go get in some sweats and to grab a blanket and pillow. I ran upstairs and grabbed my hoodie of my favorite hockey team, the Avalanche, and some dark blue sweatpants. I grabbed my Bernie the mascot pillow pet (he's the mascot for the Avalanche) and my pink blanket. When I went downstairs, Jack was talking to my parents. I can tell they aren't too mad at me, thank god.

"I'm ready Jack."

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story; I'm enjoying writing it! (: if you have any questions or comments about the story, just comment and I'll get them for you! I wanted to incorporate Magcon into the story but I'll see how it turns out if it becomes a big part or not. I'll try to work it in somehow, I promise! Also, I have a Magcon preference book if you want to read it! And you can request personal imagines and preferences. Thanks for the votes and reads guys! (:

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