Chapter 25

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I wake up to a bright white room and my hand being held. I look down and see Jack's hand. I shake it and his head jolts upright.

"What-Lizzy! You're awake!" He hugs me.

"Jack? Where am I?" But then I remember everything. "Oh." I look down at my arm. There are stitches and it's all bandaged up.

"You lost a lot of blood. They made sure the babies are okay and everything came back good. Lizzy... Please tell me why. I couldn't understand you. And I'm scared you'll do that again. That was the scariest thing for me." He gets tears in his eyes. Right then, I realize just how much I mean to him.

"Around age 14, I was diagnosed with depression. And I began to help myself by cutting. I cut for 2 years and I have been clean for 1 year. And yesterday, my hormones were out of control and there was this hate page and I guess that I just kind of lost it. I'm so sorry. It will never happen again." He got up and gave me a big hug. He didn't let go for a while until he heard a knock on my door. He went and answered it and talked to someone in a hushed voice.

"Yeah guys, come on in." I hear Jack say.

Suddenly, a stream of super attractive boys I've come to call my friends come in, hands full of little "get better soon" things.

"Lizzy!" "Are you okay?" "We were so scared!" "We love you!" "How are you feeling?" They all start talking and I get a headache. I shush them and they all get quieter. They put the flowers and teddy bears down where they can and give me hugs. We all talk for a little bit and my nurse comes in.

"I need to talk to Ms. James." The boys leave but Jack stays. "Sir?" She waits for him to leave but he doesn't budge.

"He can stay." I tell her.

"Okay. Well we contacted your parents, and they said they will be contacting your therapist and doctors. They will be putting you on antidepressants again. We also talked about admitting you into our mental health program, however since you are not from California, it's up to you. You can go to the one in your own state, or stay here, or you can decline. It's all your decision, ultimately. However, we suggest to admit to a program, no matter where it is."

"I'm fine. I just got upset because of some of Jack's fans. And plus I'm so hormonal. And-"

"And I'll be addressing my fans and I'll keep Lizzy safe. I think she's fine. She's a good girl and I'll be with her at all times. She's fine." Jack tells the nurse. "Lizzy, you're okay with me. Right?" I nod my head.

"Well if anything happens, I'll give you some numbers you should call rather than harming yourself. And it would be best to go to a mental illness center if anything like this is to happen again. Not only is it healthy for you but also for your baby."

"Babies." Jack and I say simultaneously.

The nurse leaves and checks us out. Thankfully, the event for magcon was over so we could go home early. Jack found us an early flight back and cancelled the flight we had scheduled. We get back to the hotel and pack up. It takes me a bit longer with having my arm wrapped in bandages and shots of pain shoot into me whenever I move my arm. We are both silent while we pack up. When I finally finish I sit on the bed. He's on his phone.

"Jack." I say with a guilty tone. I know I ruined his week.

"Yeah baby?" He looks up with a concerned look.

"I'm so sorry." Tears pool in my eyes, threatening to spill out. He immediately jumps up and grabs me, pulling me back with him, so I lay right on top. "I ruined everything and it's been terrible and we didn't even go to the beach and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry, Jack! I won't do it again. I promise. That was it. I'm done because now the babies will be asking me what those stupid scars are and I'll have to tell them one day. And that could put ideas in their head and I'm sorry!" I don't know at what point I broke down at but I can't stop crying now. Jack just keeps shushing me and trying to calm me down.

"Baby, stop. Shh. It's okay. It's okay. But please never again. I was so scared to lose you. And if I lost you, I would have lost our babies. And I'm going to tweet about this right now okay? It's all going to be okay." He kisses my cheek tenderly and goes to grab his laptop.

He types on his keyboard for a few minutes, taking occasional pauses, probably to think of the right thing to say. Suddenly, my phone lights up with a notification from Jack.

@JackGilinsky: Never talk about my girlfriend rude. She's gone through more than I can explain and I never want her upset. You're not a fan if you are rude to my love @lizzyjames

He puts his laptop away in the case and gets up. "Alright baby, time to go." He grabs his luggage and opens the door, holding it for me.

I pick up my luggage and walk out slowly. There we see all the boys. Matt is holding flowers and Cameron is holding a teddy bear.

They all give me big hugs and tell me they love me and to have a safe flight back. The boys gave me the gifts and gave hugs to Jack.

"Hey man, I'll see you back home in a few days. Don't forget your English homework bro," JJ tells Jack.

Jack flips him off. "Don't remind me. Babe, remind me to read my book on the plane. I have to write an essay on it." We both walk away, me holding the flowers and bear close. I may not have known those boys for very long but they're great friends to me already. I approve of them to be Jack's friends.

So I kinda got lazy the past few days and haven't written any chapters, and I always make sure to have about 5 chapters more than what I update (so I could have posted chapter 10, and I will have written chapter 15) and I will be a bit slower on updates while I catch myself up (:

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