Chapter 6

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The ride to the store was an uncomfortable silence. I had a lot of time to think. Thoughts were running through my mind.

Am I pregnant?

If I am pregnant, will Jack stay?

If I am pregnant, should I keep it? Give it up for adoption?

Should I get an abortion?

What if I'm not pregnant? Will everything go back to normal?

The car was parked but neither of us moved. I look up at Jack, him staring straight at Target. The silence is deafening. I decide to break it.

"Jack? Will you.. Leave me.. If I'm pregnant?"

He's silent for a while. "I.. I don't know Lizzy. I've never been in this kind of situation. But I really, really like you. No. No I won't leave you. I like you too much." He leans over and kisses me. I feel so much relief.

We walk into the store, hand-in-hand. We stare at the many pregnancy tests, no interest in getting one. But we know we need to.

"What about this one? Or this one? Which one gives the best response?" Jack asks pointing to a few.

"Should we get maybe 3 and if some of them say different responses then we go to the doctor?"

"Yeah. Let's just get these three." He grabs three different brands and hands them to me. We grab a water bottle before we check out so I can pee. I chug it down on the way back to his house. I jump out of the car and run to the bathroom ready to pee, forgetting the tests.

"Wait Lizzy! You need to pee on these!" He opens them for me and reads the instructions. When he told me what to do, I did my business and we waited. I leaned my head on his shoulder during the time. It felt like an eternity. When the alarm we set went off we both hopped off his bed and ran to the bathroom.


Pregnant With His Baby (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now