Chapter 10

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When Jack and I woke up, we decided today we would JJ and Sam and my friends the big news. We weren't sure how they would react but they would probably tell us how irresponsible we were and then be okay. I was so afraid to tell my friends because they won't react the way his would. But at some point they'll be okay.

JJ and Sam were first. At around noon, Jack's door opened. They don't even have to ring the doorbell anymore, they're so close.

"Hey bro, you said you needed to talk to us? What's going- oh hey Liz," Sam said.

I waved to them.

"Um, yeah. So uh. We uh. Liz and I. Have uh. Um." Jack just continues to stammer on. We all stare at him waiting for something intelligent to come out of his mouth.

"Okay since Jack is an idiot I'll just say it. Um so at the party, Jack and I kinda.. You know." I start, and they boys hoot and holler, giving Jack high-fives. I wait for them to calm down, rolling my eyes. Boys.

"Anyways, as I was saying. We um... Didn't really use protection and nowimpregnant." I say the last part really fast and grab a glass of water. Did it just get really hot in here? My throat feels dry.

The boys just stare at us. Jack and I look back and forth between JJ and Sam, the same dumbfounded expression never leaving their faces. They don't even blink. After about 30 seconds of this, Jack breaks the awkward silence.

"Say something!"

They both rapidly blink, yet keeping the look.

JJ clears his throat. "Um... What should I say in this situation? Congratulations? Or should I yell at you about how stupid you are? I can do either one." Sam nods his head in agreement.

"Just.. I guess start with the yelling then end it with the congratulations." Jack says.

"God bro! Come on! You gotta use protection! We can't have little Gilinskys running around town! You are an idiot! I should slap you for being so stupid! You got a girl pregnant? Come on bro! Why weren't you thinking!" They both yell at him at the same time. Then they both look at each other, put smiles on their faces, turn back to us and say "congratulations!" We all start laughing and they come over and give us both hugs.

"Liz, we are here for you alright? You're my favorite girl Jack has ever had and I'm not gonna disown you as my friend just because of his stupid actions." JJ says to me.

"Yeah Lizzy, we love you. You're so sweet and you're gonna be a great mom if you keep it. Hey J? Wanna bet on the gender? I'm thinking.. Girl." Sam says.

"Alright. It's a deal. 20 bucks." They shake on it, while Jack and I give them disapproving looks.

After the boys left, we made our way back to my house and waited for the girls. Emily pulled up with Madison and Kati came soon after. We all walked inside and sat down. My parents and brother went shopping so I could do this.

"Um. J-Jack and um. Me. I mean I. Ha-have to say som-something. Um." God I'm just like Jack with his friends saying this. Jack sees how much I'm struggling.

"I was just like this telling my friends so I guess since she took over, it's my turn. I got Lizzy pregnant."

"Oh my god." "Oh Lizzy." "I'm so sorry." They all cried out. I've been pretty strong through all this, but I just can't be right now with them. I can see the disappointment in their eyes and I can hear it in their voices. I break down crying, just realizing that my life is over. I haven't thought about it that way until now. Jack takes me and pulls me close to him. The girls all crowd around us and start crying with me.

"We are here for you. Both of you. Even though I don't agree with this, I guess it is what it is, right?" They all say.

After a little bit, the girls all leave and let Jack and I be alone.

It's silent. I lay up against his chest, just feeling his chest steadily rise and fall. It's comforting to me.



"I think I want an abortion."

Sorry this chapters kinda boring. It's a filler. What do you think so far? And what do you think about that ending? Do you think Jack will want that or nah? (:

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