Nyx- Chapter 5- Awake

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"When do you think she's going to wake up?"

The words sloshed and swirled around in my head. Everything felt fuzzy and I had no recollection of past events. My lids weighed a ton, I struggled to open my eyes to see what was going on.

And then I remembered.

Amy. Her friends. Nick. The buzzing. My powers.

My eyes snapped open as I went into panic. The light in the room was a blinding white, forcing me to close my eyes and let them adjust.

I tried again and suddenly everything was clear. A man stood over the bed I was lying on, his mouth upturned in a small smile, his eyes outlined with little lines. He was in his late 4os, though he still had a full head of curly brown hair.

Although I didn't know him, his face was welcoming and I felt myself start to trust him.

"Hello there, how are you feeling?" he said in a warm comforting voice.

"I'm fine. What happened... where am I?" my own voice cracked slightly towards the end, letting the fear and uncertainty wash through me.

"There was an accident, you're fine now but you were exhausted from using your powers." I understood his words up until 'powers'.

"What am I? Am I a monster?" my voice was perfectly calm, betraying the swirling storm inside.

"No Natalyia. You are a Pandora."

He walked away, leaving me confused and intrigued to know more.


I had been lying on the bed for a few minutes wondering what would happen next until I decided it wasn't helping.

Swinging my legs over the side, I gingerly put weight on them and stood up. For the first time I looked around the room and took in the pristine white walls and silver metal shelves.

All in all it looked like a lab. A lab for a freak like me.

What was a Pandora? I knew of the myth about the beautiful woman who was given a box and told not to open it.

Yet I had no idea how it applied to me.

There was one door, across from me and a one-way glass window next to me. I strode over to the door and yanked on the handle.


The only other thing in the room was a small red button with the word 'call' on it.

I saw no other option and cautiously pressed it.

"Hello, Pandora Institute, how may we help you?" a crisp feminine voice floated out from nowhere.

"Umm, hi. I'm in a room and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing."

"Ahh yes, Natalyia Williams, shadow, Level 5. How are you feeling dear? You must have tired yourself out from that display in your school."

Her words reminded me of my school, my friend Caitlyn and most importantly my parents. But then I started to wonder how she knew about the incident.

"Excuse me, how do you know about that?" I asked.

"Here at the Pandora Institute we pride ourselves in knowing what is going on in our students lives." the voice replied in a practised tone.

"What does that mean? Where am I?" I was starting to panic again.

"Calm down dear all will be explained in a few moments." And with that, the line went dead.


Ok guys so the next chapter is the big reveal. I will update whenever I can. Hope you enjoy




Tara xx

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