Nyx- Chapter 8- First Day

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Unfortunately, Vera and I were slightly late for assembly and every single head in the main hall turned toward us.

Blush coloured my cheeks as I hurried to my seat at the front of the hall.

More in the middle of the hall sat Nick who after meeting gazes I glared at before facing the front once more.

There was a large impressive stage set up in front of the chairs on which stood Diana.

One of the things she informed me about was the fact that she was the principal of the school.

"Welcome students. I apologise for the unexpected assembly but this school is a very tight-knit community and therefore I felt that you should know that there is a new student joining us."

At this, she sent me a small smile.

"Natalyia Williams, I trust you will all make her welcome. Natalyia would you come up here please."

I was slightly annoyed, she hadn't told me she was going to ask to get up in front of everyone.

Reluctantly, I stood up and made my way up the stairs to the stage.

"Thank you Natalyia, why don't you tell everyone your power?"

Before I could answer I heard a voice shout out,

"Damn, who cares? She's hot!"

I felt the familiar boiling sensation of anger as I searched the crowd looking for the culprit.

My palms started to itch as my eyes rested on an older male student wearing a smug smirk.

I succumbed to the anger as I felt my lips settle into their own smirk and the shadows appear out of my palms.

Without any warning, the wings tore out of my shoulder blades shocking everyone into silence.

"Come on sweet cheeks, show me what you can do," at his words I snapped.

Shadows filled the room, crawled up the walls covered the floor and ceiling.

They danced along the ground skirting around the other students heading straight towards the unknown boy.

A sick sort of happiness bloomed in my chest when I saw his smirk fade only to be replaced by a frightened expression.

Just a the shadows were about to reach him, a voice in my head whispered my name.

Natalyia, don't do this...

Somehow I knew the voice was Diana. Her voice calmed me down and with a shock my wings disappeared back into my shoulders and the shadows crawled back into my palms.

Control came back to me and it dawned on me what I had done. I was embarrassed and ashamed.

Taking one last look at the boy whom I had nearly killed, I ran out of the room as quickly as my legs could take me.


I had been sitting in my dorm for hours, huddled up in the corner. I felt completely helpless, like I had no control of myself.

The sooner I could start training, the better because I knew that if I didn't practise I would lose myself in my power.

Suddenly the door burst open and Diana strode in with a sympathetic look on her face. She sat down next to me and began to talk.

"When I first received my power I was out of control, I couldn't stop twisting people's minds. But when I came to this school I was trained by people who knew what I was truly capable of and who I was."

"I have no doubt in my mind that you will be the same Natalyia. It will be hard but you will learn to use your power in a safe way."

I had kept silent throughout her whole speech but I couldn't hep asking,


"Yes," she replied, "I have absolute faith that once you practise with your personal trainer, you will learn control."

"Personal trainer? Who is it?"

"I have chosen Nicholas Hart because of his struggle with his own power."

When she stood up, with her back to me, I noticed a tattoo peeking out of the top of her blouse.

"Diana, what is your tattoo, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all sweetheart. When Pandoras truly become one with their gift, they receive an imprint on their body, the more extensive it is, the more powerful your gift."

I showed her my palms, thinking that they were the only tattoos I was going to get but she reassured me that I would get more.

"Natalyia I know you're upset but you should probably get to class. I have informed your first period teacher if your absence but I expect you to attend second period."

"Ok." I took her hand and stood up slowly.

She sent me a smile before walking out of the room. Briefly, I checked my schedule and left the dorm.


I got slightly lost and so I ended up being late to second period, which was Maths.

Opening the door, I apologised the the teacher and took my seat at the very front of the classroom. Stares from my classmates were thrown at my back like daggers.

I had decided in my room that I would not be bullied or intimidated in my new school. So I turned around and locked gazes with them.

As soon as I did this, they turned to their friends, probably to start a whole new set of rumours. At this thought I realised that it wouldn't make much of a difference if I fuelled them. Just a little.

I felt my lips settle in to a smirk as I lifted my hand, my middle finger clearly on show. Collective gasps sounded around me at my audacious action.

And with that I turned and continued with my equations.


Hi guys!!!!!
I'm back and I'm so sorry if you were enjoying this book I just got a bit left behind for a while. Anyways if I knew how the whole dedication thing worked I would have dedicated this chapter to @NicoleHarris008. If it wasn't for her this chapter wouldn't have even been published. Thank you babes <3
P.S. I'll try and get in a double update.
Until then




Tara xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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