Chapter 8 || You again

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Yoongi POV

I asked.

"Huh?How do you know my name?"

"You just look like a y/n"

I guess she still doesn't remember...

I saw her wearing the necklace..
Which put a smile on my face.

She still wears it..

"Nice necklace"
I said

"Thanks,I remember waking up with it...after an..incident. I'll forever wear it.I don't exactly know who gave it to me but I must've been special to them and they must've been special to me.."
She replied.

I smiled and asked for her number so we could go for tea next time.

Her face lit up and she blurted out her number.

Your POV

As I finished the fan signing,i went over to where Eunho was at and I jumped for joy.

"Did he say why he asked for your number?"
Eunho asked.

"Nope but..I Got his number!"
I said smiling.

"Tell him you have a boyfriend ok?"
Eunho said in a change of tone.

"Oh don't be'll be my husband and he'll be my hyung..I don't think of him as THAT way."
I teased him.

He smiled

I spotted Yeongmin and waved my hand so she could see us.

She ran over to us.

"Best Fan signing ever!Hobi was a real sunshine to my day."
She said whilst she swayed from side to side.

I told her about Yoongi giving me his number and she shook me hard saying,
"Ask him to give me Hobi's number~~~"

I laughed.

"You both must be hungry..Let's head to the food court outside?"
Eunho asked.

Me and Yeongmin shouted,"YEAH!"

Yoongi POV

After the fan signing,Jin hyung asked to go to the food court outside to eat.

When we got there i saw y/n.

With some guy and her best friend.

They guy was putting his hand over her shoulders.

Like what typical Couples do.

I heaved a sigh.

She has a boyfriend...

"Yoongi Hyung!Stop staring into space and start ordering!"
Jimin said while waving his hand infront of my face.

Everytime I look at them,i feel happy,to see y/n but there's this bit of jealousy.

I told myself,No.I cannot have feelings for anyone right now.

Especially for a woman who can't even remember me.

Eunho POV

I noticed BTS sat down on the table beside ours.

"Yo..isn't BTS?"
I asked Y/n and Yeongmin.

They both started to act crazily.

"Which one is your bias again,y/n?"

"Min Yoongi~"
She said in a dreamy voice while pointing at him.

Ah..There he is..The guy that wants to steal my girl.

Yoongi POV

Y/n's boyfriend had noticed us.

He started to glare at me.

I didn't let it get to me and focused on eating.

After the long day,I lay on my bed and closed my eyes.

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