Chapter 14 || More drama (2)

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Your POV

I was woken up by the buzzing of my phone.

"Ugh..Switch your phone off!People are trying to sleep."
Yeongmin said rolling to the other side of the bed,covering her ears with a pillow.

I grabbed my phone.

My phone was blowing up with text messages from unknown people.

I got up realising the reason why this was happening.

I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I sat on the couch.

No way..

I saw pictures of me and Yoongi from last night.

"Yoongi's late night date?!?!"

I scrolled down just to see more pictures and comments about us.

"Stay away from my Yoongi!"
"This girl must be desperate to be the spotlight.I must clap for her, she did it."

My blood started to boil as i saw more comments,threatening me.

How did they even get my information?!
I decided to text Yoongi.


Yoongi?Have you seen the news??


Ne..I was about to text you
about it..


What do we do??


For now..just mute your
Phone..I've got to go now..
I'll text you later.

Yoongi POV

There was a knock at my door.
I opened it and it was Namjoon.

"Yoongi?Can you come down for a second?"
He asked.

I wondered if they've found out about..Everything.

I went down and saw all the members gathered in the living room.

"What's this about?"
I asked.

" to explain this?"
Jin Hyung asked whilst showing me his phone.

I quickly threw a pillow from the couch at Jimin's face,cutting him off.

" i told Jimin..she was just  my best friend."
I scratched my neck.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?"
Hoseok asked me.

I bit my lip and replied,"I'm certain."

They gave me the thumbs up and i headed back up.

I could feel them still suspecting me from behind.

Hyojin POV

I tapped her shoulder.


"I've dealt with it.Soon,everyone will turn their backs on y/n..and i'll have my Eunho back and you'll have your Yoongi."
I assured her.

She turned around and smirked.

"Good job."

Your POV

"Yah!Y/n!What's all this news about?"
Yeongmin asked.

"Well you're finally up.."
I said whilst taking a bite of my apple.

"Don't change the"
She stuttered.

"Well,Yoongi found me crying on the park bench last night,got into a fight with Eunho and we ended up in that cafè."
I explained.

"That's sweet..BUT WOAH the comments are rude.It's not like they OWN Yoongi."
She rolled her eyes.

I smiled at her.

"I agree..But something's not adding up."

Yeongmin looked at me with her head slightly tilted.

"I think..i used to know Yoongi.."
As i said that,Yeongmin's jaws dropped,mouth agape.

"I'm visiting my parents this weekend."
I said.

" used to know Yoongi?!?!"
Yeongmin was taken aback.

"Yep..I think it was before the car crash..All i know is that the answer is with my parents.."
I told her.

"Well..Are you alright?After all this drama?"
Yeongmin asked.


Yoongi POV

I took a walk down the park.

Paparazzi surrounded me but a hand managed to pull me out of the crowd.

Once we were out of sight,I thanked her.

I said.

"No problem.It's me,Ha-Yun,by the way."
She said.

My facial expression turned from thankful to anger.

"Ha-yun..How's life since you've left me for another guy?"
I scoffed.

"Yoongi..please..give me another chance..I regretted everything.I'm sorry..i was wrong.."
She grabbed my hand but i let go.

"You broke your promise and that's not my problem."

I walked away but she hugged me from behind.

She begged.

"Just.Stop it!I'm in love with someone else,arresso?!"
I forced her off of me and walked away.

"Is it...Han y/n?!"

I stopped walking and turned to her.


She scoffed,"I know everything about you,Yoongi.You'll be mine again.Once i get her out of the picture."

"Hah.You're crazy you know that?Yes i do love her."
I assured her.

"We'll see about that."
She smirked at me and walked away.

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