We entered a weird looking dark place where the main god started speaking but the weird man popped asking for one of the time guns luckily the main god threw what looked like a giant hammer at him. I smiled a bit since he started to annoy me. well as soon as he did that the others started getting hostile however the green goddess seemed to calm him down a bit after he apologize, "It's okay I didn't like him." I him as captain Grif said, "Eh, no harm no fowl." as they talked they then introduced themself afterwards the others did, I'm king Tucker: breaker of headboards." "I'm Simmons: wizard of science." "And I am Simmons uh i'm not Simmons. "I am Sarge: lord of the twin flags." "I'm uh come back to me." "I'm Kaikaina and I like to party." "I'm Dexter Grif and he must not be messed with." "Yeah boi!" cheered Hodgins then the brown soldier said something afterwards agent Carolina introduced herself and agent Washington and finally it was my turn, "I'm anathema and I want to become human." After we introduce ourselves the god, Atlas, started explain everything until the others interrupted him, by complaining about his phrasing of in the beginning there was the word, "What's it supposed to mean?" I asked confused trust me man you don't want to know. Captain Grif told me then he complained again, "Shh!" I told him interested in what Atlas had to say. While he explained I listened as he talked about Kronos. "Is he god?" I asked confused but was ignored since the red soldier or Colonel Sarge demanded a sword like Grif. I groaned at pun then everyone got swords, "What about you young carrier?" "I'm fine." I told him annoyed, "This one's seems promising." Commented the green goddess or Kalirama soon Simmons then explained that they were A.I.'s. "They're ai's?" I questioned then a voice said, "Oh looks like were not the only ones!" "Shh!" I whispered while the I guess A.I.'s explained what Kronos had done as the others picked on Private Donut so I told them, "Leave him alone!" They were silent but the A.I.'s contained telling us that it was we had a choice to make then blasted off to nowhere.
Donut's POV
Washington started making a speech about how the reds and blues should never give up and move on however I interrupted him by asking, "But what about Alma? He's dead! He died trying to save me. What happens if that happens to one of us?" "Actually agent-" we all gave her a look as if to say, "don't call him that" so instead she said, "I mean Alma did left you all a message." "You're telling us now." Grif asked him sarcastically as Carolina asked her, "What does the message say?" "I'm not sure-" she tried but was interrupted but Sarge interrupted but asking, "How are you not sure!" "She means it's under lock and key." A voice said now popping up was a blurry figure who was crossing his arms angrily it was another A.I. "What the hell?" said Simmons in shock before everyone started pointing their weapons at Anathema.
Carolina's POV
"I thought you got rid of all those A.I. fragment thingies when you blasted the emp at their base?" asked Sarge as Washington answered, It's e-m-p for one thing also we did, Alma was there too but i'm sure how he got these or even he got them to work again since the electrical field would have made them unable to function." "Then why is one still there." I asked him when suddenly another popped up, well kind of, the first one disappeared causing them to make a greenish color as she took over saying happily, There's not one of us. There's seven including the two other girls." "What other two girls?" I asked suspiciously when a new familiar voice called out, "Let me explain, Missi. The A.I. called Missi disappeared only for minute only for a reddish color figure to appear, Hello agents Washington and Carolina, it's been a while hasn't it?" Wait only other freelancers know us and since Alma was a former freelancer but his team was killed that means... "Kanas?" I questioned as he smiled warmly whole saying, "I knew you'll figured it agent Carolina." "That's because she's part of the dream team." I heard agent California mumble sarcastically as Kanas rolled his eyes now telling us, "It's nice to see you all again you look well." "I wish we can say the same for you." "Wash told him awkwardly but he just laughed telling us, "It's not as bad as you think." "Besides it's like a whole new adventure!" agent Mississippi shouted happily as what I assumed agent Nevada added, "And the rookie gave us a choice if we wanted to stay or not so that wasn't hard." "Except for Tennessee." added agent California while agent Kansas told him, "Cut it out, Cal! It retrospect it was a hard decision for us all." "Um excuse me but-" Grif started as Sarge finished, "Who in the holy mother of god are those things." "Hey offence taken!" California yelled but was ignored well you guys these A.I.'s are the memories of Alma's old project freelancer team." The pale yellow A.I. you saw was agent California, the light blue one was agent Mississippi, the reddish A.I. was agent Kansas. The others follow as Tennesee, Nevada and Lanie but our code names have changed to best suit our A.I. status." "Pretty lame!" added California. "For you it's basically the same." Commented I assume agent Tennessee. "Shut up!" He yelled as Kansas told him, "Enough!" As this was going on I silently wondered how their team had better teamwork then ours however I noticed the reds and blues and made a connection. "Anyways our A.I.'s are the same we had in the project only this time we were given once to best suited our personalities. I'm now upison, Cal is tau, zeta is Missi, lambda is Tennessee, omikron is Nevada, and lastly kappa is Lanie."
In The Aftermath
FanfictionI've been called many names in my life from nothing to New Mexico but now lately i've been going by Nemo. I've had a lot of people die in my life, alot of them were close so now i'm just trying to do what I do best, stay alive, but now i'm trying to...