Anathema's POV
"Well that was awkward." commented agent Washington "What did he mean by he'll see us soon?" asked captain Tucker so I answered, "I-I think he meant me." "you're not Alma, are you?" asked captain Simmons, "No, but I am his creation." I told him as captain Grif commented, "Gross." "Wait, what are we going to do about kronos?" "Well were all for bringing him down." "No, you're not coming. I should have told you Wash. I can't believe I let it this far I-" "Whoa slow down, it's okay." "It's not. It's really not. You can't come you can't fight." "Carolina it's me you're talking to." As he said this I added, "He can fight, agent New-" "He doesn't like to be called that! Carolina yelled at me then added, Besides what do you know? You never knew him." Carolina, that's a bit uncalled for-" "Stop being so fucking nice! You're sitting this one out, Wash. I mean it. You're on the D.L." "I'm not disable!" He yelled as I cringed, "You are! You were really hurt." "Yeah?" He asked sarcastically as she added, "Really hurt. more than I told you. Your gaps in memory there." "That's bad." I heard Upison whisper, "She's really concern for you, Agent Washington." "Butt out!" Agent Carolina screamed at me. "Your frustration I should have said-" "Carolina just spit it out. she sighed then told him your injury caused what's known as, reval hypoxia we don't know the extent of the damage but when you were shot in the neck your brain was starved of oxygen." "For how long?" "A while". she answered, "How. Long?" He asked again, "Several minutes. Your brain went minutes without oxygen." "Agent Washington." I tried as he yelled at everyone but I was ignored while agent Carolina tried to talk to him but he just walked away suddenly private Donut left with a golden hammer, "Agent Carolina?" She sighed telling me, "Just leave." "But this isn't fair!" I cried out, "Life isn't fair!" Agent Carolina screamed angrily at me as I flinched then she sighed telling me, "Just go." "But-" "Now!" I quickly scampered away but as I did I frowned thinking that all I was ever heard all I ever knew was just destroyed. Who are these people really if not the people that I heard my creators talking about so fondly?

In The Aftermath
FanfictionI've been called many names in my life from nothing to New Mexico but now lately i've been going by Nemo. I've had a lot of people die in my life, alot of them were close so now i'm just trying to do what I do best, stay alive, but now i'm trying to...