Hurting those I Love

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A/N: Well I hope this story gets read by someone soon.... (:


I'm not sure how long I stayed against the door but I woke up in my bed. I slowly got out and went to the bathroom. My reflection was hideous. My blonde hair was matted and my blue eyes we red and puffy. I did not want to go downstairs and face the boys. Deciding I could put it off a little longer I crawled back into bed with my laptop.

I don't remember falling back asleep but when I woke up my clock now read 11:30. I crawled out of bed for the second time today, still not feeling any better. I hopped into the shower trying to rinse away the redness from my face. When I finally semi succeeded, I got out and put on a pair of baggy sweats and a t-shirt.

I slowly opened my door to find five bodies waiting behind it. I tried to shut my door again but Niall used his hand to stop me from moving it. I could feel the tears coming again. I backed away from the door and sat on my window seat staring at nothing. I heard footsteps coming closer but they stopped as the got four feet away.

"Lotte please just talk to us." Louis begged. I ignored him and continued to stare out the window.

"Please Lotte. We just want to talk." Harry said coming a step closer. I turned to face them, the tears were now flowing freely.

"I didn't want you to be disappointed." I said softly.

"Why would we be disappointed?" Zayn asked. I shrugged looking down.

Liam's hand cupped my chin bring me to look up at him. "I could never be disappointed in you." And he pulled me into his arms.

"So tell us about this lucky guy!" Niall shouted. I spent the next hour telling them about Colton. I was smiling the whole time. Liam seemed tense but was smiling a fake smile for me. I looked at the clock again and it read 3:30.

"Oh no! I have to get ready!" I shouted, jumping from the window seat.

"Get ready for what?" Louis asked.

"I'm going to a party with Colton! He's going to be here in an hour and a half!"

"What? You're not going to a party!" Liam shouted.

"Yes I am. I already asked mum!" I shouted back frantically searching my closet.

"No. You're. Not." Liam said.

"You're not my dad. I'm going." I grabbed my dress and walked into my bathroom, slamming and locking the door. I can't believe he still thinks he can baby me! And none of the guys backed me up! I was fuming when I got under the hot water.

When I got out I dried my hair and curled it. I slipped on my purple dress. It was tight and came up four inches above my knee. I put on mascara and black eyeliner to make my blue eyes pop. I also put on a light pink gloss. I grabbed my white heels and clutch and ran downstairs with two minutes to spare.

I walked toward the door to be stopped by Zayn. "Don't go Lotte."

"Excuse me. I have to meet Colton outside."

"Just stay here tonight. We can watch movies or something."


"You're hurting him you know." I was hit with a pang of guilt. The only thing I had ever been worried about in my life was hurting Liam.

"I have to go." I said pushing past him and walked out the front door.

A/N: sorry it's short! Party next chapter! Important things happen in it!!!!(:

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