School Day

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I stared at my homeroom classroom door. My body was shaking and I was starting to second my decision about coming to school today. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I spent time in the office talking to the principle about my "situation" as he put it. Therefore I was 30 minutes late for homeroom.

I opened the door and immediately all eyes were on me. All the staff in the school knew what happened so the teacher overlooked my tardiness. However none of the students knew except for Colton. So I was met with many curious stares and as soon as the initial shock that I was back the whispers started. I quickly sat down and stared at a small spot on my desk hoping to disappear.

"Ahh Miss Payne, welcome back! I truly hope you are feeling better." Mr. Tucker said. I nodded my head and avoided the class' stares.

Finally the homeroom bell rang and I quickly gathered my things and left the class. I speed walked down the halls, hoping to get to my locker and next class unnoticed. However luck was no longer on my side it seemed like.

"CHARLOTTE PAYNE STOP RIGHT THERE!" Ranee shouted. I sighed and braced myself for the wrath of Ranee. "Where the hell have you been babe?" She asked when she got in front of my face.

"Umm I got sick?" It came out more as a question and I avoided looking at Ranee's eyes.

"Stop lying. Tell me what happened."

"Um can we go somewhere less crowded?" I asked looking around the busy halls. She nodded and we made our way out of the building to a couple benches out front.

"Start talking." She said.

I took a deep breath, "AfterthepartyIhadtowalkhomeandIkindofgotattackedandraped." I said quickly and in one breath.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Say that again slower."

I could feel the tears forming, "After the party I had to walk home because Colton got too drunk to drive me. And on the way home I was grabbed by some man a little older than us and he attacked me then... then r-r-raped me." I felt a few tears slowly trickle down my face.

Ranee was silent for a few moments before speaking in a quiet, meek voice. "Please tell me you're joking Charlotte." I shook my head. "Oh my god. Have you told anyone?" She asked with tears now streaming down her cheeks.

"My family, the boys, and Colton. But Colton and I are no longer together." I gritted out between my clenched teeth.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry. These past couple of days must have been awful." She said with a sympathetic look on her face. I shrugged bringing my hands up too. Almost as quick as I had put my arms back down my wrist was in Ranee's hand. She flipped my hand over and stared at my wrist. "What the hell is this Char?" She shouted looking exasperated.

I yanked my hand out of hers as if I had been burned and put my hands between my knees. "Nothing. It's... It's nothing." I quickly sputtered out.

"No. That's definitely something. Now tell." Ranee demanded. So I spilled. About everything. When I was finished she looked shocked and worried. "Are you.... Are you okay now?" She asked in a meek voice.

"Better I suppose. We should probably get back inside to class. I can't really miss anymore." I said standing up and brushing the dirt off my butt. "Are you coming?" I asked Ranee.

"Yeah I'll be right there. I just need to think for a moment." She said looking straight ahead.

"Ranee... You don't have to worry. I'm okay now. But don't expect me to ever be fully healed. That's not fair after what I went through. But please don't worry. Okay?"

Ranee just nodded. I sighed and walked back into the building.

I had missed 1st period so I headed straight for second. I had just missed passing time so I was alone in the hallway. I stopped by my locker and took out my history book. I started walking to my second classroom. I could see the door for history but before I made it there someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom. I started to scream but a hand was clamped over my mouth. "Shhh. Just be quiet. I just want to talk." I recognized the voice. I looked up and was met with the heartbreaking deep blue eyes that I had fallen in love with. Colton.

I sat on the floor, numb, as I listened to Colton talk to me. "Charlotte. Charlotte! Are you listening to me?" Colton snapped his fingers in my face. I looked up and met his eyes. He stared at me like I was a porcelain doll about to break. I then realized I had tears streaming down my face. "I.. I don't believe you. Hayden wouldn't do that. Never."

"Like I said, he probably didn't know it was you. It was dark when you left the party right? And he was drunk at the party when he left. Which wasn't long before you."

All the evidence was there but I didn't want to believe that my best friend had done that to me. I stood up and ran out of the classroom. I didn't stop when I heard Colton call after me. And I didn't stop at the exit doors of the school. I just kept running and running.

When I finally stopped running I was in a park. I sank down to the ground and started to sob. I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I wanted to see. Liam. It rang and rang until on the fifth ring he picked up.

"Char? Is that you? Are you okay?"

I tried to hold back my sobs long enough to talk to him. "Liam? (Hiccup) Could you (hiccup) come pick me (hiccup) up? I'm at (hiccup) Mercury Park. (hiccup)."

"Charlotte what's going on? Why are you crying?"

"Could you just come? And please (hiccup) hurry."

"I'm coming. Just stay where you are. Okay? I'll be there in two minutes." I nodded even though he couldn't see and hung up the phone.

Two minutes later I heard and car pull up and a door open. A pair of feet came running over to me and I was cradled in a lap. Liam whispered in my ear, "It's okay. Shh it okay Lottie I'm here. It's alright."

But it wasn't. My life was crashing down around me and there was nothing I could do about it. Except get out of it.


A/N: Ahhh! Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up. I love you all! Enjoy, Like, Vote, Comment, Recommend! <3

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