The Escape

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Alarms were blaring loudly. The area was starting to fill with guards in a few minutes. There was a distant grunt coming from the hallway. A shadow appeared on the opposite wall of the corridor. It was huge and bulky. By the shape of the shadow the man could tell that it was carrying heavy weapons. Sound of loud thuds started approaching. The androids started to shoot in the direction of the sound but they couldn't last for long. They were shot down by heavy blasters. The blasters shattered the glass wall of the man's cell.
'A step towards my freedom. ' the man thought. Then the last android guard was blasted by the escaper. The android guards laser pistol flew towards the man's cell. That was it, he just had to get to the pistol. He stretched his legs to get a hold of it but he couldn't. The mysterious man who shot the blaster came in front of his cell. His face was covered with a black cravat. His red glowing eyes were shining in the darkness. He must be wearing some kind of eyepiece. He was at least 6 foot 1 inches tall. He was covered in black torn clothes. The holes in the clothes revealed a metallic exobody underneath. He was wearing an armour. His right hand was visible, he had a heavy firearm in his right hand. He moved towards the man's cell and stared at him for a second. It felt as if the myterious man recognised the man's face. Then the mysterious man turned away and started striding down the corridor. The man shouted at him "Do you know where you are? You will need me if you want to escape from here".
The mysterious man didn't reply. The man tried again to reach the pistol. The pistol was a bit far. There was no way he could reach it. He stretched himself as far as he could. His hands were cuffed to the wall. He couldn't stretch further. Then he added "I have a Percher waiting for me remotely. I can give you a lift."
The mysterious man replied with a growling voice
"I'll be fine".
He had to do something fast otherwise more guards would come and his chance to escape would be gone. 'Quick! Think of something' He told himself. The mysterious guy was moving ahead towards the exit. It seemed like he won't be able to escape.
Then, he had an idea. He stared at the arm of the guard in front of him. He wanted to use the hand to reach the pistol. He grabbed the hand with both his legs and pulled the pistol towards himself. He was feeling a surge of hope and excitement while he picked up the laser pistol with his legs. Then he grabbed the pistol with his feet and lifted them and pointed them up towards his hand. His wrists hurt from the weight of this body. He just had to shoot the cuffs. He carefully aimed it away from his right hand and towards the cuff circuit. He had very little time and his wrist were being torn apart. He just took a shot. It hit the back wall.
His legs were shaking, he carefully aimed them again. He slowly aimed them at the cuffs. Then he took a shot again. The man groaned in pain. This time the laser grazed his right hand wrist. The pistol fell to the ground. His hand started bleeding. He tried to calm himself down and breathed deeply. Then he picked the pistol up again and aimed at the cuff circuit. Then he took a shot.
Yeah! The cuffs opened up. He grabbed his right hand wrist. It was bleeding profusely. He tore a piece of cloth from the guard's shirt and tied it to his wrist. He removed the guard's clothes and wore them. Then he picked up the laser pistol. As he got out of the cell, a laser was fired from the back. It missed him. The guards had arrived. He shot down the first guard, then he picked up the guard's pistol too.
He ran towards the direction of the huge mysterious man. He ran past many cells. The lights on the ceiling were flickering. The vestibule was filled with metal debris of the android guards. They were scattered all over the place. He just had to follow the debris and he would reach the escaper. As he followed the track, he picked up the extra ammo for his pistols from the debris.
The guards were following him. He dodged the beams and ran as fast as he could. In the distance now he could hear heavy blasters being fired.
He knew he was in the right direction. He was following all the sounds around him to track his situation. He heard guards closing in on him. He had to move faster. He couldn't escape from the prison without getting back his stuff. It included two atomic batteries, a 3-D hologram guidance system, his holophone and his T-53. T-53 was his diode based laser weapon with 55kW power and 8mm in diameter.
He climbed up to the next floor. The noise of blasts became louder and louder. He was almost there. He exited the dungeon and entered the upper level of the prison.
In the distance he could see the huge mysterious man fighting his way out of the prison. The man started running towards the him. He had just run a few meters before he was stopped by a laser shot from the distance. He scanned around for the source. There were wall installed laser shooters in the facility. He carefully dodged the shooters and took cover. Then he peered out and took a shot on one of the shooters. He had to be careful, there could be other traps to prevent prisoners from escaping. He looked around for other shooters. Some of them were already destroyed. He started moving towards the mysterious man and carefully destroyed the remaining shooters. As he was moving, he noticed the arm of the mysterious man. The man was shocked when he saw the symbol on the arm. He knew who the mysterious man was. He was an XND. XND's were a class of fearless elite warriors. They were the most powerful soldiers in the world. He had no doubt that the XND could escape alone. XND would decimate everyone here, the man wanted to stick around XND now.
Nearly 200 meters ahead the XND was laying the guards to waste. He had multiple weapons on him. He was unstoppable, he was firing double beams from his left hand and had a blaster in the other. He was shooting more weapons than his hands could handle. It was like he had more than two hands. The guards were changing the strategy. They had orders to fall back as there was a change in plans. He thought his attacks were working. The swarm of guards started thinning. He started moving forward towards exit.
Then unbeknownst of him, a group of guards started preparing for a blast canon on the right side of wall behind the XND. It could damage him. The guards had set up the cannon and aimed at the huge man. The man was running and had almost reached the XND. The man carefully aimed at the guards operating the cannon. The guards were almost 250 mts away from him, they looked like a tiny dot. He needed the XND to escape. So he took out a heavy grenade and armed it. He had to get closer to the cannon but also avoid being seen. He stealthily moved forward to the position from where he could destroy the cannon. The guards had armed the cannon and it was ready to obliterate the XND. The man was still far from the position at almost 200 mts. He called out to the XND to beware him of the cannon but he couldn't listen. The cannon blasted.

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