The Deathfall

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Apello took consecutive deep breaths. He was making himself ready for the plan. That was his way to calm himself down before doing anything dangerous. He made up his mind and strengthened his will. He has to create a mental block, like a steel wall in his mind to prevent himself from swaying back on his decision. He was going through the plan in his mind like a video playing in his mind. He was going through as many possibilities of outcome and was devising a contingency plan for them. He has to follow the steps of the plan once he initiated the plan.
He took out the atomic batteries that he bought for his percher and opened its container. He tore open the radiation containment unit and dropped it on the way while he was running. They are running as far away from the blast as they can, also in the direction of the Fallout Ghosts. It seemed that the Fallout Ghosts had lost them. Apello had left everything to his calculations and fate. Actually he didn't believe in The One but he couldn't explain the role of fate in his destiny.
200 kms away on the deck of a Fallout Ghosts (FG) superjet, the commander was aboard. The systems' radiation radar was blaring. A source emitting good amounts of radiation was nearby them. The Gamma readings were higher than normal in this uninhabited desert. There has been some radio activity nearby. The Master Navigator came to the commander and informed him about the radioactivity nearby. The normal radioactive levels of the earth surface had increased very much due to nuclear Fallout but this was way higher than that. Judging by the decay rate it seemed like the radiation started a couple of minutes ago. Every thing on this earth had become radioactive but by tracking its decay they had the advantage of tracking the exact time of the events that took place. The northern desert was very vast and abandoned so it was less likely for someone from the outside of desert came in. It must be the people who escaped. They must have screwed up somehow. There was also a source of small amounts of radiation in the same direction which started about 10 mins ago. The commander had his suspicions from back then. Now it was confirmed that they were headed this way. The commander ordered to head into the direction of the radiation.
Also just a few kilometers away in the opposite direction the Dystopian Ship had picked up the radiation too and they were headed in the same direction.
Apello knew that the action will start within a minute. He instructed XND to divert to a different route. It would help them maintain a low profile. Nio had sent the location to Apello. He was leading XND towards that location through a different route. He planned on ditching XND after a few miles. They were still in the red zone, it was still dangerous for them as the Ghosts and The Dystopia could arrive there any second. He thought about Nio and the time he first met him. Nio was his aunt's son. He knew his aunt very well but didn't spent much time with Nio. Nio was much older than him. Nio worked for the government before the world war. The last time he talked to Nio was when he was leaving for the war. He was commissioned to Kharvak, a border city in Kievan. (previously known as Ukraine)
Nio was one of the smartest person Apello knew. Apello was just a teen when he last met Nio. The last he remembered Nio was a tall, lanky guy. He was very slim and had white skin color. Nio didn't return from Kharvak but he would seldom contact Apello's aunt. But after the war Apello's whole family was either killed or separated. He didn't have contact with any of his relatives until last year, when Nio contacted him. Last year when Apello was travelling through the Middle East Wastelands, he was scavenging through an underground bunker. He was searching for any useful weapons, food capsules or technology. He found an abandoned supercomputer which was working partially. The main system was working but the memory was destroyed. It was surprising that all the wireless system of the computer were intact and with a few adjustments it could be connected to the Globalnet. He setup the connection and connected his holophone to it. It was after that time he was contacted by Nio. Maybe Nio must have traced Apello's digital signature and contacted him. Nio contacted him in a code which contained the message only he and Nio could understand. The message said "Eli loves Nini". Eli was the nickname of Nio's mother. Nio's mother used to call him Nini, even though Nio hated that nickname.
After sometime Nio lead Apello to the Northern Desert before he was captured by the Fallout Ghosts.
Apello could now hear the supersonic jets coming in and from the direction of the sound he could tell it was The Fallout Ghosts. XND pointed in the opposite direction and they could see the Dystopian ship closing in. The doom was here. Apello instructed XND to run towards the Dystopian Ship. XND shot a confused look to Apello.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He said.
"Just follow me and move towards that abandoned safe house" Apello replied by pointing to the safe house. Apello and XND started running towards the safe house before the Dystopian Ship could spot them. The Ghosts' Superjet had almost arrived too. Apello was waiting patiently for the right time to execute his next step. His first step was now successfull as both the Ghosts' superjet and the Dystopian ship were in front of each other. The tension in the air was increasing. If anyone of them fired then it would start a gruesome nuclear battle between two armed giants. Their blaster and guns alone could devastate the whole land, so if they decided to use Grade - A military weapons then it could obliterate everything within the diameter of 10 kms. Time had stood still, both sky giants were facing each other. Ashes and sands were blowing between them. There were just a few broken skyscrapers on the horizon. The sun had left the horizon and was approaching noon. Apello was waiting for the right time to execute his second step.

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