The Reaper

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"Keep it on the table." said Major Renzo without even glancing at the officer. He was staring outside the window at the nothingness. He is a well built man in his mid thirties, he is tall and has lean physique. He is wearing a navy blue breathable body suit with gray lining and gray gloves. He was looking out of the window of his office. He was aboard a Dystopian ship called "The Reaper". The ship was on standby for now. They had been send by the Dystopia to a classified reconnaissance mission. 

Major Renzo was glancing over a great old city. It was devastated completely. The city was a highly advanced and crucial part of the old world (the world before the war). Now not a single soul lived here. As he was being astonished by the monstrosity of its destruction, the window glasses reflected his own to him. He was scratching a scar on his left cheek which he got recently. It started from the bottom of his left eye and all the way cutting through the left side of the lip. He was not used to see his handsome face scarred. He actually hated it, but a scar got in battle is like a medal of honor. That's why he cannot get it removed, it may reflect poorly on him. 

He had had a long day. First an Alliance ship was spotted, which they easily exterminated. Then they got in a hassle with the local crime organization called "The Fallout Ghosts". The situation had become very delicate after the first fire, but then everything was brought under control by having a direct dialogue with their leader. Some political compensations had to be made to prevent further escalation. Major Renzo knew that if the Dystopia wanted then they could easily crush the Fallout Ghosts. But they didn't want any battle for now. 

"Major Renzo! The search party has arrived with the intel."

"Connect me to them." he spoke through the holofone.

"In a moment, sir."

"Sir, this is Captain Cara. We found the source of the radiation that caught the attention of our gama radars. It was coming from a broken atomic battery. But there was something strange sir, the radiation levels of the battery isn't high enough to concern us. But the radars picked up a radiation high enough for an m-nuke explosion. We think that the radiation was amplified for a moment but then faded away soon."

"So the atomic battery was dropped and amplified intentionally just to catch our attention. They wanted us to find it, they wanted us to get distracted. Have you searched the entire area." replied Renzo.

"We searched in a 100 kms radius, sir." replied Cara. 

"Reduce the search radius to 25 kms and increase the search intensity. Whoever left the atomic batteries must not have gotten far." said Renzo.

"Roger, Wilco."

Renzo couldn't stop thinking about the Alliance ship spotted in this area. It was not a coincidence, the intentional amplification of atomic batteries to cause distraction and the presence of an Alliance ship in this area. The Alliance never operated in this area. The people who created distraction must be from Alliance. They wanted to board the ship that we destroyed. The main question is what were they doing here in the first place.  What would Alliance want from these wretched lands. 

Alliance were against the Dystopian rule from the beginning. After the Colonial Powers were defeated and subdued by the Anti-Colonials. The leaders from the both sides decided to use all the resources that they have to salvage the remaining earth after destruction. The government and its leaders from different countries signed a treaty to have complete transparency, but some leaders didn't want to contribute their nation's resources without any gain in return so they formed a coup. They gathered all the support and the troops they had and stormed the declaration assembly. They took the other leaders hostage. They called themselves the Dystopia. They believed to unify the world under one rule, but all they were hungry was for power. The leaders who didn't support their ideology formed an Alliance. As the government all over the world fell in chaos, several crime organizations started gaining power. Their influence grew over large areas. Fallout Ghosts was one of those crime organisations.
These organisations they constantly fought with the government for the resources. They want to control the region autonomously without the Dystopian interference. The Dystopia does not recognize these organisations as legitimate but they are allowed to operate semi-independently. Not all of them are terrorists or criminal, actually some of them are really prosperous. 

Just a few hundred kilometers away the Fallout Ghosts were searching for Apello and XND-35. The recent standoff with Dystopia was very tense. They didn't expect Dystopia around these parts. Fallout Ghosts were doing something that was not acceptable by Dystopia. They had captured an XND and were experimenting with it without the knowledge of Dystopia. According to Dystopian law no one is suppose to get involved with the XNDs. It was forbidden for any organisation to get involved with them. They didn't wanna lose their most precious XND-35 as they had to pay heavy price to get it. The Ghost Captain was leading the search. He was sure that they both were nearby. They had a tracker inside XND-35's body. They were sure that XND-35 was nearby. The Ghosts were desperate now seeing the Dystopian involvement. They found out that XND-35 was in an underground facility. The Ghosts had heard rumors about secret old government facility hidden somewhere in the area. They heard that it contained a secret technology that could revolutionize the mankind. The Ghosts had narrowed his location and they also found the entrance to the underground facility. They quietly moved towards the location. They needed to get in without making any noise. So they couldn't break the door.

The Captain called for Infrastructure Security (IS) expert to hack the door. The door used a very complex encryption. It was impossible to solve it but the Ghosts were lucky. They had stolen a patch long time before that belonged to the Government that owned the facility. The IS expert used the patch and after a while the code was successfully cracked.

The door opened and the Captain signalled everyone to get in. Meanwhile the trio weren't aware of the infiltration.

The Ghost team included almost a hundred combat androids and thirty human soldiers. They had to get in extract XND and get out of there before Dystopians came looking for them. It was three against thirty, ten ghosts for each one of the trio.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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