Confinement Chambers (PS:Part 4 Is Where It Becomes Extremely Interesting)

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A man in his late twenties was suspended in a semi conscious state. He was naked and his hands were bounded by the cuffs. He had his eyes closed, as there was little to no light in the cell. He was staring blankly at the cracked glass in front of him, he was desperate for a chance to escape. He got used to the darkness. But he kept his ears sharp. He followed every single sound from his surrounding. The constant squeaking of the rats in the sewage, the exhausted groans of the other prisoners and seldom distant beeping.
He was in a meditative state like a crane while desperately waiting for a chance to get out of here. He had already tried a hundred times to break free from the cuffs, but the cuffs were protected by a security code. Besides, the glass wall in front of him was a military grade fiber glass. Even though the glass was cracked it still wouldn't be affected even if it was shot down by a laser pistol.
The cell was cold and dry. The prison was always deserted. The food capsules were thrown in from a duct just close to our mouths. They needed the prisoners to be alive and healthy like rats. The guards seldom came to the cell. They only came to take the prisoners away. No one knew what happened to them. Some prisoners came back and some didn't. He knew his turn would eventually come.
He drifted back to his semi conscious state. He remembered the time when he was free. He was roaming in the northern desert. His Percher B-120 (a hovering vehicle) had run out of fuel. He had to leave it in the desert. He parked it at the bottom of a small cliff such that it was hidden from the plane view. Then he walked towards the nearest town to get something to eat and drink. He hadn't eaten since 4 days and hadn't drank any fluid since 24 hours as his Distiller was broken. It can convert salty ocean water, mud water etc into drinkable water. It can even create water from the moisture in the air. The desert was cold and dull. Sun was almost always shrouded in dust everyday. It had been 8 years since the nuclear holocaust. The earth had almost been destroyed. The population of earth went from 9 billion people to just a billion people. After that more than half of them died during the first two years after the war due to famine and diseases. Many countries were destroyed completely. Most rivers, seas and oceans had dried up.
There was no natural sunlight reaching the surface and the world was covered in a hue of gray. There were no seasons, there was only winter. Sometimes it does rain but it rains ashes. Food is scarce but now its controlled. Farm lands are very less but people feeding on them are even lesser. The main source of water is remaining mountain glaciers and oceans.
The man walked for four hours straight until he reached the town. The town was dusty and deserted. He was starving. He searched for a food capsule shop. Food capsules were compressed dehydrated food substitutes. They came in different flavours. One has to swallow the capsule and drink water over it. The food capsule will slowly expand and fill the stomach. They are rich in daily required vitamins and minerals. There are pills for proteins, fatty acids and vitamins. His stomach was filled, but he had to get fuel for his Percher. Percher B-120 used Gen 4 Atomic batteries. It was somehow damaged and needed to be replaced. These batteries didn't need recharging and could last for years. So he bought two atomic batteries in exchange of 200 DD (Digital Dollars). There was no more cash system since the 60's (2060's).
The man came to the town to search for someone. He was one of the very few survivors of the World War. His entire family was killed in the war except for his cousin, Nio. Nio's coordinates led him to this town. But he still had 10km to go. The man thought about getting back to his Percher but instead he started walking towards his destination. He needed to get there fast so he used his thruster boots to get there. He reached the destination in 20 minutes.
His GPS showed the coordinates (3N547212, 4E660710, 0U000254). The land in front of him was barren. Not a single settlement could be seen for miles.
Now he no longer needed to walk, he had reached the destination. The location was 50 m below the point where he was standing. He searched the land for an entrance. As he started looking for an entrance, he heard a distant shock wave. A mini jet was coming his way. Within a moment the mini jet was hovering above him. More mini jets followed it. They all landed and surrounded him. He thought about running but he knew he couldn't escape. He took out his laser pistol. Humanoids appeared from the mini jets. They were all androids he guessed. A humanoid figure was leading them, he must be a human. The man aimed his laser pistol at the human but before he could fire the androids disabled him. He fought back but the androids were strong. Then the human brought a serum with him and injected it on the man's neck. In a minute the sky and everything around him faded to darkness. The next time he opened his eyes he was cuffed in his cell with a cracked glass wall in front of him.
A blaring alarm broke through his semi conscious state. He opened his eyes. He knew the sound of the alarm and it rang only when there was an intruder or when someone was trying to escape. His chance to escape was near. He just smiled and waited patiently for the chaos to grow.

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