Chapter 10-Letting Go

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I woke up that morning right next to Karlee's bed on the floor. Mac was still asleep with his arms wrapped around me and his head lying on my shoulder. He really stayed with me all this time? I guess what he said a couple of days ago was true; that he would never leave me if it was the last thing he does.

I looked up at Karlee lying on the bed and realised that she still wasn't awake. How long did I have to stay here until she woke up? It could be days or even months but I was determined to be there when she opens her eyes again.

Looking at the clock above the doorway, I realised that school was set to start in 30 minutes. I didn't want to go to school today. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to go to school ever, but I woke up Mac just incase he wanted to.

"Wha-?" he said sleepily, taking his head off my shoulder as I shook him awake.

"School starts in half an hour. I thought you should know."

"Well if you're not going, I'm not going." And with that, he placed his head back on my shoulder.

I sighed. I didn't want Mac's education to fail because of me. I shook him off of my shoulder. "No. Please go to school. I can stay here on my own."

"Well, can I at least get us some food? I'm starving and the food here is horrible."

"Okay, fine."

"Yay!" he exclaimed. Pecking me on the cheek, he got up and went out of the room. I don't understand morning people.

I look over at Karlee's father on the other side of the room. I had never really met her father before and she hadn't ever talked about him to me. He could easily be mistaken as Karlee's grandfather with his bolding hair and his old spectacles. I saw resemblance in their nose, their freckles and their curvy jawline.

I stood up and walked over to his bed. I wish I could have talked to him and met him properly. Karlee was very lucky to have a father that looked after her and was always there for her. I was a bit jealous that she had one and I didn't and I didn't want her father to die like mine. Would he even survive at his old age? He looked about 60 or 70 but it could just be that his face was paler than normal.

As I stood there looking at him over the side of the bed, I felt a tear run down the side of my face. It had brought back memories to when I last saw my father. I was only little so I didn't remember much of it but he liked to play games with me and his favourite thing to hear was my laugh. He liked to tickle me all the time and whenever I laughed, he would.

I jumped. Mac was standing behind me with some pizza in his hand "I'm sorry. You must think that I'm a cry baby or something." I apologised, wiping my face with my sleeve.

"No, don't worry. You have every right to cry considering how tough the last few days have been for you." he said, grabbing my hand and taking me over to we were before.

He placed the pizza on the floor between us and opened it. It was pepperoni flavour - my favourite. Pizza for breakfast definitely wasn't healthy but I accepted it anyway considering I was too hungry to argue about anything right now.


I held Emily's hand. Holding Emily's hand was like holding a butterfly. Or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete, and completely alive. I rubbed my thumb through her palm and up her fingers reassuringly. I wanted her to know that everything was going to be alright.

After we finished eating, she had fallen asleep on my lap. I guess crying can really wear you out if you do it too much.

*bleep* *bleep*

My phone had went off. It was a text message from Bryson. I let go of Emily's hand and picked up my phone from the floor.

It read:

Brys-Where are you? Why didn't you come to school today? Is everything OK?

I looked up at the time. School would have just finished.

Me-We are at the hospital. Everything is fine.

Brys-OK. I'm on my way.

I sighed. Why did Bryson always have to disrupt things like this? Nothing was even wrong.

He came through the door 10 minutes later looking frantic. "Why didn't you come to school!? Gaby was spreading false rumours around today saying that Emily had suicided because of Karlee and you were too depressed to come to school. Why are you even here!?" he exclaimed. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Shhh!!" I told him, gesturing to Emily asleep on my lap. But it was too late and she had already woken up.

"What is this?" she asked, looking at Bryson going mad.

"Emily is fine! She is right here." I was confused. What was he going on about?

He sat down next to us and eyed the last piece of pizza in front of us. "Go on," I said, gesturing to it. He dived right in and ate the pizza in almost three large bites. I didn't realise he was so hungry.

"So what did Gaby do now?" Emily asked Bryson as he finished up his pizza slice.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Half of it probably isn't true. You can't stay here forever though, so I suggest you just leave and come back later."

"No!" Emily exclaimed defensively. I looked into those now green eyes. What Bryson had said had hurt her but I couldn't say he was wrong. It could take up to at least a few months until Karlee and her father woke up and she really can't afford staying here that long.

"His right," I told her truthfully.

"But what if she wakes up and I'm not here next to her!? She would think I was a bad friend and that I didn't care!" she replied with a sob.

"Don't say that! You're a great friend and she knows that. How about we just leave for about a week so everyone knows we are still alive and come back after, okay?"



I've almost got 300 reads! yay! that is actually a big achievement for me so thank you all so much. if there is anything you would like me to add or improve, please don't hesitate to comment because I love getting positive feedback.

thank you so much! love you all <3

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