#17 : [SPECIAL] Birthday Wish 3

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Birthday Wish 3

Do ya'll remember what happened to Yoongi and Nayeon after Birthday Wish 2? Here's the sequel :)

Oh, by the way, you can't continue reading unless you already read that Yoongyeon two shot. Thanks a lot :)

Side note: This is going to be short and...sad?...happy? idk HAHAHA


It's Chaeyoung's birthday and Yoongi, her husband, just bought a birthday cake for his wife. He arrived inside their house an hour or two earlier before Chaeyoung goes off from work. He cooked some pasta for the both of them and prepared a candle-lit dinner. His hands were cold and sweaty, probably because he's nervous of how Chaeyoung would react. It was not anything grand. It's a simple candle-lit dinner by the veranda. He started to play some music and listened to it while he's waiting for his wife to arrive.

He heard the cab's engine, si he immediately went downstairs to welcome his wife. He smiled upon seeing her. She was tired from work, but she tried to manage a smile for Yoongi. He walked up towards her and gave her his warmest hug. "Let's eat dinner." Chaeyoung nodded slightly and looked away from her husband's blissful smiles. He dragged her towards their veranda and said, "Surprise, honey!" He showed his gummy smile and led her to the table for the two of them. She doesn't know how and what should she react upon seeing her husband's effort, but she stood firm from her decision.

Yoongi placed Chaeyoung's bag aside and danced with her slowly. They both had a slow dance inside their room. Yoongi was smiling all the time as he was scanning Chaeyoung's angelic face, while she, on the other hand, was avoiding his eyes. She felt hesitant of how she should say it, yet sure of how she feels. She kept her head downcast and sighed. "Yoongs--"

"Only look at me, honey." Yoongi cut her, so she had no choice but to look at his innocent face. Her heart suddenly hurted when she saw him. I'm sorry. She thought.

When the song finished, Yoongi said that they should eat their dinner. He was so proud to tell her that it's his cooking. Well, except for the cake. "I don't know how to bake, so I just bought it. Sorry," he chuckled and lit each candle on the cake. He raised it just right, in front of Chaeyoung and said, "What's your birthday wish, hon?" He was hoping that she would say something about having kids or about living together forever, but it's not.

Chaeyoung stared straight into his eyes and whispered, "To be divorced."


Weeks turned into months while months bled into years. It's been seven years since Yoongi signed the divorce papers. During that night, he saw Chaeyoung's pain. Just by looking at her eyes, he knew that she's in pain and she wasn't happy anymore. Some things don't really mean to last long.

He just came from work when he saw some envelope in his mailbox. He opened it and looked at the print of the mailbox before opening it.

Jin & Nayeon

It was a wedding invitation from his ex-girlfriend. The one that he wished for and is still wishing for, but it was late. It's too late for him to be with her now. She's getting married and he doesn't know how to react to it.

He was feeling the same exact thing that Nayeon felt when he sent his wedding invitation before

The wedding is suppose to happen that coming Sunday, so he didn't have any time to prepare.

It was Tuesday when he received a phone call from his ex-lover.

"Hello?" Nayeon, from the other line, sounded so happy and glad to talk to him again.

"Hi," he replied, a bit dry.

"Yoongi-ah, did you receive the invitation?" She asked.

He looked at the ripped invitation by the coffee table and sighed, "Yes, I did. Congratulations on getting engaged."

"Can you play for my wedding?" He bit his lip and looked afar. His mind and heart is debating whether he should or should not. "Just a swift song?"

"O-Okay," he felt like something was stuck in his throat when he agreed.

"That's good! You can play any song you like! See you on Sunday!"

"See...you." He greeted back before the line ends. He stared at his phone after the call and regretted whatever he agreed to. Pabo Yoongi. This is what you get for hurting her.


It's finally Sunday and he had to be early on the ceremony. He can't afford to be late since he's the pianist of his beloved ex-girlfriend's wedding.

He didn't want to mind anybody as he was practising by himself. He played the keys when he saw someone's hands playing, too. He stopped, but the owner of the hand did not, so he looked up and saw her.

He saw Nayeon.

She smiled, but he didn't. He's confused. He's puzzled. "Thank you for coming." She whispered.

Oh, how he longed to hear her voice again. It turns out that his love for her didn't really go away. He still has this fast heartbeat whenever he lays his eyes on her. His eyes still glisten whenever he looks at her. Yoongi will always be that one guy that will look at Nayeon like some precious treasure. He looks at her like she deserves the world and every man's cherish.

She turned his back to walk away, but eventually stopped when Yoongi spoke.

"I still love you."


This is dedicated to huwatisdis! Thank you for the support that you have given to all of my books! You're such a good friend to your friend, too, so I wanted to give you this. You deserve a shot :)

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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