Save me

30 12 6

They won't stop talking
Why are they saying these things to me?
"You're fat"
"You're ugly"
"Why would anyone ever love you"
"You're an idiot"
"Get out of here already"
"You're so useless"
"You're a failure"

I grab my shirt, it hurts so much
My heart hurts so much
Every single day it's always the same
My head feels a burning pain and I can feel myself falling apart
I yell at the top of my lungs for it to stop
I just want the pain to go away
Burning tears flow down my face

Please someone notice my aching heart
Take me away to Neverland and help me
I just don't want to be alone anymore
I don't want to hurt anymore
Please someone save me

A/N  so what are the thoughts on this on this one? A girl is being bullied and all she needs is for someone to notice her and save her from herself and the people.

I honestly don't know, so thx for reading this sucky stuff
Buh-byyyyyeeeee dearies

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