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I want to scream
I want to yell
I want to cry
I want to do all of this until my lungs burn
Until my heart is ready to burst
Until someone can hear these cries of agony
I'm mentally suffering
I'm hurting from the inside
But what will I do when the pain starts to leak?
When I am physically suffering too
I can't do this anymore
I'm so alone
I'm so hurt
I'm just so done
If its true that only cowards want to die, does that make me the biggest one of all?
If its true that wanting to give up means that you have been brave for too long
Then am I the bravest of them all?
Which one is it?
Am I a coward for wanting to give up?
Or am I brave for enduring the pain for so long?
I'm so done!
Everything hurts
But not physically
I can feel the pain spreading throughout my body
But there is nothing wrong with me
This burning sensation that was once just in my stomach spreads
It reaches out to me
This is gonna be what finally does me in
This is what is gonna kill me
This feeling that I am so ready to embrace
The devils touch has finally reached me
It has found my soul
This is how I die
This feeling is what is going to murder me
So am I brave for shaking hands with this darkness?
Or am I a coward for letting it in in the first place?
Well, which one is it?
Maybe I'm just a coward who is trying to be brave
Because a brave person wouldn't let this feeling consume them
This time
I will give in
I'm tired of fighting for nothing
I have nothing to stay strong for
So this time
The feeling of loneliness
Can finally take me
This is my murderers name
Never forget it
Cause it could be coming for you next
Is a serial killer
And I was its next victim
Are you next?

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