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"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know.
Give me your hand..."

Thank you, Chrom.

      Clear, alive, blue eyes. A firm grip, that told her everything was going to be okay, as it lifted her from the grass.

      And slowly, but surely, the cracks in her heart began to heal.

To make amends for the things I've done, and the friends I've hurt...

In this world, Emmeryn was saved.

      What she hadn't considered, however, was that without the Exalt's fall, the Plegians would continue their ruthless attacks. It became a war that extended twice as long as before, and a hundredfold more soldiers lay dead on both sides of the battlefield. When Gangrel was finally defeated, Ylisse had been reduced to a rubble that would take years to rebuild. More weakened than ever before, Valm's conquest hit Ylisse with such a devastation that shook the foundations of the country.

History would not have the destination of its course be averted, and Chrom lay dead at the Conqueror's feet. Her heart broke once again.

Our bonds simply weren't strong enough...


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