The Key

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Chapter 8

I came into my bedroom slamming my bedroom shut with my back gliding my body down from the door. My chest felt heavy it was getting harder to breath. I cough feeling somewhat uncomfortable up on my throat. As I start coughing out into my hands some metallic taste came out of my mouth. I blinked my tears away and bravely faced my fear as I looked onto my hands I could only gave in a sad smile when I saw the blood in my hands.

I knew that my time was running out. I have only lived twenty years of my life and I was going to die at this age where I haven't even explored the wonders of the world. I really don't want to die, but even the doctors said that I had only four months left to live.

I was born with a special ability with the powers to control the fire. However, it seems like the more I use my powers the more monstrous my powers become and destroying my delicate body. I laid down on the wooden floor breathing hard closing my eyes. Is this really it?

My hopeless tears just streamed down my eyes uncontrollably. Even the girl I loved left me learning that my powerful ability was killing its own master. I began to choke again a few times sweat was gliding down my face. I gave in a sad laughter crying and laughing at a same. Tears came rushing out of my eyes as I choke.

My aunt and uncle can look at me and thinks that I am a monster. I don't care anymore. I was going to die anyway. No one will remember when I die. No one will shed tears after I die. The aftermath will always be a bunch of fake tears and mourns of people dressed in black. The only person who actually care about me is my ghost standing in front of my own grave.

So what should I do after all of this? I only saw the result of my death. Fire can't kill me. I manipulate fire I can control it and I am immune to fire.

Brushing the hair to back of my shoulder I sighed. So this is it. I slid out the knife that has been missing from kitchen out of my bed the knife that my mother usually cuts the meat with.

The knife glimmers underneath the sunlight. I don't want to live anymore. I closed my eyes holding onto the knife facing my chest.

Good bye Vikki Vandelon Donavon. You're going to become a ghost now.

With pressure and and strong emotion. I was ready to stab my in the heart, but to be stopped with my hands was pulled to the wall and drops the knife onto the ground. I began to shake in fear, but there was a shade of a man who stood in front of me. I looked up at the man. He had a weird emerald green that seems to be swirling with white mist.

"My name is Vincent the director of Unique High. It's been hard to find you Ms. Donovan."

"What do you want?"

He slipped his fingers into his suite taking out a picture showing it to me. "Do you know her?"

I looked at the image. To be surprised I knew her. This is the beautiful kid that I fell in love with when I was just a kid she was my first love until today. It's no surprise I could recognise her after she grew up into an adult. She still have the same doll like look the mixed of an American Chinese.

"Yea I know her. She is Emma Kritanta the daughter of a famous musician and model." I wished I could meet her.

"Ms. Donovan I sent you a lot of letters, but it seems like you are just an adopted by your aunt who hates esper like you and tortures you. I am here to protect you. You no longer need to stay in this home. From now on Unique High will be your home and I as your new guardian."

"How do I know you won't torture me?" I blurted out.

"I won't but actions speak louder than words. Won't you try out and if you don't like it you can make your own decisions and no one will stop you. Not even your aunt."

"How is that possible?" I groaned. This is the third month the next month is the month of my death. From now my body will only be able to move a little and little by little, days by days I can no longer move or speak and lastly my eyes will closed on its own and that is when I will die a slow and painful death.

"I am an esper like you. And Unique High protects esper won't you give it a chance?" He held his hand out.

He looks warm. He looks like a god. He looks abnormal like how God will look all warm and royalty. Slowly I gather strength to my weak arms, and put it to his. "Take me.. please.. take me." I begged swallowing down my saliva. "I don't want to die! I don't..."

"You will be saved. All of us will be saved if the awakening of this young girl won't be disturbed."


"Emma Kritanta she is the key into saving all of us."


"She is the granddaughter of a very strong necromancer, Queen Lilith. The first necromancer that came into this world the master of the powerful dragon of Baishi and Kuro. Since then no one saw Baishi and Kuro, but now the both has appeared awoken by Emma. She is said to be the only one who have the ability to control over the living and dead.

If you come with me we shall without a doubt save ourselves from this kind of death."

"What will become of Emma after this?"

"History will recognise her as a saviour of esper."


My dragon necklace seems to grow red and burned me around my neck. I seethed at the pain I threw Kuro and Baishi off my neck and onto the ground.

I walked up to the mirror taking a look around my neck something strange was on my neck after the pain subsided.

There was infinity signed that looks like it's been carved into my neck, and it's looks like it's going to be there for forever.

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