Queen Jane

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Chapter 18

My breathing became abnormal everything was spinning. It was frustrating to feel like I was sick, but I knew it wasn't. It was something else. There was something inside of me and it was growing begging me to let it in.

I tried to fight it with every struggle it fails me. More and more strange memories floods into me. I was loosing myself. My vision was clouded. Frustrating sweat formed around my body. I was clutching the bed sheets fighting for restraint. My uncle hasn't come back yet.

What is he doing?


I continue fighting it and wait for my uncle to return, but he sure was taking his time. I even held my breath to control what was inside me, but when I decide to inhale a breath. I lost it. My vision faded and I succumbed to darkness.

Vincent P.O.V

Damn. Where is it? "Where is it?!"

I threw all my books on to the floor. I need to find it. Or else I will never get Sierra back. I will never get my beloved niece back.

I made sure I that I kept it. Where could it be? I panic and open my last drawer thankfully I found the box. I quickly teleported back to Sierra room, and I found her sitting on her bed. She looked different and feels different. Sierra looked at me with a sad gaze.

"Where am I?" she said. In that moment my heart was torn apart. Sierra was gone. "Where is Elizabeth? Where is she?"

"Your highness," I dropped down onto the ground. I presented the box with a bow.

She gasp taking the box into her hands. "This was given to me by Elizabeth." She opened the box and a ring appeared a gold ring with blue color stone imprinted with a mark of infinity. "This was Elizabeth family heirloom she gave it to me as a token of our love. We traded our family heirloom with another. Tell me sir you are from the Thunder Kingdom aren't you? I could feel it. However, you are mixed."

"Queen Jane, I would like to explain that you are right now in a school called Unique High."


"Yes it is a place where many young people comes to learn new things and grow. And right now Queen Jane you have taken a body of a young girl like it was said you would."

"I see. It must mean that I have died. After all I was cursed to live in the body of my people 7 times in despair at the loss of my lover never truly moving on." She turned the box upside down and secretly there was another drawer she drew out. She took a picture out. "I could never forget her face. I could never forget my beloved Elizabeth."

She brought the picture for me to see. "Isn't she beautiful?"

My eyes were widen with shock. I could only raise a hand over my mouth to hide the surprised look on my face. "Emma?"

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