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Chains and shackle was still pretty much on me. Princess of Lilith of hell was sure one beautiful being its hard to believe that she was the princess of this place. The only thing that may show signs that she could be a hell princess by the slightest was the color of her fiery burning amber eyes. Now that I notice it her eyes was slightly more different from Lucifer while he had the color of bloodied red she was amber red. 

She was wearing a fair purple dress that was making her skin even more white holding onto the key playing around with her fingers, and I just followed her behind. I was beginning to think why did the Princess of Hell buy me. Does having an angel essence is really important to people?

Following the princess through the corridors we finally reached to a room she took the key and unshackled my chains. Once the chains came off I touched my hands and to see whether if they are still intact, but somehow a bit of me wanted to broken and be blown away by the wind. I guess this is what it actually feels like to have your own husband to have a love affair with another man. I felt suffocated.

I looked up to the princess I could've used my powers to blast her away and ran off, but the princess, despite having an icy expression she has quite an comfortable presence to be with for some sort of reason despite meeting her once she felt safe to be around with.

"I'm sorry," she apologized and I looked at her with a confused expression. "This will be your room from now on. I promised I won't do anything bad to you, but for just in case I'll come to your room to check on you regularly. I'll explain my situation to you slowly. For now, sleep Jessica you have dark circles under your eyes." She touched my eye bags. "I'll leave you alone for now," she said as she waved good bye and went out the room.

Before my body can comprehend what's going on I broke down falling onto the ground my body curled into the bed and tears flood out my eyes uncontrollably.

I've been cheated on.



Bought as a slave.

Everything was happening so fast that I didn't bother to look what the room looks like. I didn't even bother going up to sleep on the bed instead I laid on the cold hard ground and tears came out of my eyes and somehow slept through everything that had happened.

I woke up when the door opening revealing the princess standing in front of the door finding me sleeping on the ground. She stared at me with pity in her eyes. As form of respect for the princess I quickly got up, but to regret it later. The world spun for a second if the Princess hadn't caught me I would've fall onto the floor. She brought her hands up to my shoulder holding me. I closed my eyes to keep out the dizziness. I tried to put my head somewhere that I can rest but I am pretty sure that I put it on the Princess chest. I panted a little. I open my eyes and the princess moved me to the bed sitting beside me.

She stayed silent for the half of the time and I really appreciate it. Later a few maids came in brought food into the room placing onto a white circle table. "Can you walk?"

"I'm not hungry."

She sighed. "Jessica you need to eat. I don't care what kind of situation you have dealt with past that had made you become like this but your body needs energy meaning you have to eat."

"Why are treating me so nice? Aren't I a slave?"

"I could say the same to you. Why are putting your head on my shoulder like this when we only just met? Listen please just eat I really don't want to see your body like this."

Strangely I found myself listening to her. I got up very slowly and she followed me behind sitting down onto a stool and she sat in front of me. There was a plate of yogurt in front of me filled with strawberry, kiwi and blueberry with almonds. I grabbed the spoon and ate it. It taste surprisingly good like Lucifer cooking.

"Jessica, are you alright?" I nod.

"Thank you for the food."

"No problem. Listen Jessica I didn't buy you because I wanted you to be a slave." I looked at her confused. "My parents has been urging me to find a partner to get married, and I was hoping if you could pretend to be my girlfriend." I nearly spit out my food.

"Your family accepts homosexual?"

She winced. "They don't but that is why you're here. I want them to accept for what I am."

I nod my head. "So my job here is to stir up trouble. No problem I can definitely handle that but I do have a request after pretending to be your girlfriend."

"Name it."

"I would like to go back to my family," I stated. Although, I didn't want to meet with my husband but I do want to see my daughter Emma.

"That will be no problem. So are we good?" I nod. "Good, then I'll be seeing you tonight."


"Yes, tonight you'll be introduced to my parents as my girlfriend."



"Dad! What was wrong with Mom?"

He sat silently on to the bed with Lucifer beside him. "I'm sorry, Emma. I'm an awful husband and a father."

"Dad what's going on?" I was tensed. I needed to find mom, but I don't know how to find mom not until my own dad tells why mom had ran away. Sierra took my hand onto hers calming me down. "Please dad," I pleaded. "Why was mom crying outside the door? Why did she ran?"

He gave in a sigh. "I confessed my love to Lucifer and your mother may have been watching outside from the door during that time. That's why she cried and ran. I'm sorry Emma I let you down and mom down."

I didn't say anything as a matter of a fact. I knew dad has a thing for Lucifer when I first summoned him. Dad has been acting differently ever since he regain his memories as Prince Damien. "It's alright dad I understand."

He looked up at me. "Like you said dad we Necromancer have different personality than average human being. I can feel the coldness swirling inside my chest it's very empty my personality can split in a second so I understand dad. I really understand but no matter what we still have to find mom your wife after all she is my mother and we are her family."

Dad smiled, "We'll definitely find her."

Dad and I said our goodbyes before departure to our rooms, but before I could let myself sleep. I needed to know if mom was ok. I used my powers covering the whole room with darkness and strings. Sierra stared at the room in shock but I held her hand the strings can guide me and her to mom.

In a moment I felt a string that has mom presence in it and it was the very first time I saw such beautiful string. It held so much power and it was magnificent. It had gold and green dust surrounding the string.

"Emma what is that?" Sierra questioned.

"This is my mom," I answered. "This place allows me to see many people emotions and whether they are dead or alive, and my mother right now she is feeling very down." The color of my mother was as deep as the depth of the sea.

"Do you blame your father?" Sierra held onto my hand looking straight into my eyes one of her hand went up to touch my face.

"I don't blame my father as a matter of a fact I believe my mother deserves a better love."

I closed down all the darkness within the room and brought everything back together. Sierra just continued to stare at me. "We'll find her."

I took her hand into mine. "We'll definitely find her."

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