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Chapter 19

I ran up to my room as everything started to close up on its own. When I slam the door hard with my back I slowly slide myself down to the floor. I felt sick.

You have to get out!

"Who are you? What do you want from me? Just.... what is going on here?" I wanted to sob, but I was too afraid to sob.

I was so terrified. There were voices that was speaking to me, but they only appear when they want to and disappear the next.

My mind was temporarily fixed with the imagery of the girl whom looked like me fresh in my mind. She looks like she was at peace, relaxed, and asleep. However, the thought of her looking exactly like me was terrifying.

I continue to shake my whole body was shaking in fear.

A few knocks came upon the door, and I got up holding onto the door knob twisting it open. "Princess," the maid spoke. "Breakfast is served."

I nod my head. "I will be out in a minute."

"Ok, I shall wait for you."

"You don't have to wait. I'll go out on my own."

"If that is what the princess wish." She went on ahead. Then I closed the door to calm myself. After that I got out acting as if everything is normal, but I needed to tell my dad.

When I got onto the breakfast table. My father was sitting next to grandma and he was so happy to be able to reunite with his mother, but I can't feeling that grandma was actually plotting something.

I sat down and a plate of french bread with mushroom soup was served at our table. I ate in silence while listening to my dad conversation to grandmother with my mother beside.

"Jessica," grandma spoke. "My dear Jessica. I believe you haven't notice but you have a very special blood running in you."

"What are you saying mother?"

"Perhaps it's time to awaken your other half." My mother raises her hand.

"I'm sorry mother. I don't understand what you're trying to say."

"No worries we necromancer are leaders of all the supernatural. We can even parts of other supernatural that they didn't know exist in them. With a few words you'll see another side of you comes into a view."

"Me," my mother laughed. "A supernatural? I think I am very normal."

"Oh? But you're not darling Jessica. Look into my eyes, Jessica." My mother looked. "Awaken, the ancient blood that flows within you."

Strangely weird gold glow started to form out of my mother. She was gleaming with warm light, and the more I look at my mother. I fall more to my mother charm. I saw that my father was doing the same.

"What just happened?" My mother asked.

"You've awoken, and you have awoken with two very special blood."

"Needless to say you're a mixed breed, but I have never in my whole entire life encountered someone as special as you an angel but yet an enchantress. A very strong light magic mixing it with the dark. I am very curious, Jessica. Are you an orphan?"

My mother could only lower her head. "Yes, I am."

"Have you ever tried to look for your parents?"

My mother lowers her head. "I've tried," she whispers.

"Now that explains everything. Your powers were sealed so tightly that you've became a human. However, now that I've unsealed it you can see many things now including your father."

"My father?"

"Yes, he is a very powerful angel, and the one who cast a spell to seal your powers. Of course, your mother she is a truly beautiful enchantress."

"D-doesn't that mean I am not a h-hu-"

"Yes, Jessica, you are a 100% supernatural. There is not a single trace of human blood within you, and you are a hybrid."


Hi everyone,

I know I haven't post a chapter of this book for a long while. It's because I was in deep writers block and deeply sick at a same time, but now that I've recovered I'll try to upload the chapters as often as possible.

Thank you all for reading my book. Love all of you guys.

pls. comment, vote, and share.

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