The War

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Chapter 39

Immediately I ran up to Lucifer. He was screaming in so much pain. I don't know what had happened last few moments ago, but he was in so much pain.

"Lucifer," I pulled him into my lap. He kept wincing in pain his eyes twitched.

"Father.... Please... s- stop!" He breathed. What is going on? I looked beside me the little girl Lilith I once knew grew up and I looked at her.

"How is Lucifer like this?"

"Its our dad. He wants to make Lucifer into a perfect King of Hell one day. So every time Lucifer doesn't listen to him he will bring pain to Lucifer mind tormenting him." I sighed kissing on his forehead. This was one of the reason why I didn't want to seek his help. I didn't want to bring any trouble but without his help we would've been all be killed or sacrifice by now. Now everything is in a mess.

"Damien," Lilith was shaking in fear. "I believe the prophecy is taking place. The second part of the Scrolls says In the midst of chaos the blood must be served only then can the world be cured. I think it's happening right now. We need to get Jessica."

I nod my head but I couldn't leave Lucifer here alone. He was hyperventilating and sweating. "Can somebody get some towel? It's located in the bathroom and in the shelf."

"I'll get it." Lilith stormed out of the room. Using the towel I wiped away the sweat that coming off of Lucifer. I whispered some words into his ear to make him sleep.

"How did you know where was the towel?"

"I was the one who bought this condo back when I was still the crown prince of Below."

Not saying anything anymore I brought Lucifer up on my shoulder and laid him on the bed. I know that Emma and Sierra should stay here in the Condo to stay safe and keep an eye on Lucifer. However, if we want to rescue Jessica we need a lot of people.

"Emma, can you put up some undead force for them to stay with Lucifer."

She nods her head. Black aura came out of her body and many non physical human form was building up from the ground creating many skeletons that was in shield and armors. "These are one of the most feared army written in history a long time ago. I summoned them just for an in case."

I smile. Emma and her smartness. "Let's get our family back."


He appeared looking magnificent as ever with his icy and red flames. He turned into scythe the minute I looked at him like he had read my mind. I open up a gate and all of us headed to war.

Once headed to the direction of the sacred ground Jessica and other espers was not in sight like they were hiding and expecting us. I held Krayne tightly by the hilt.

It's a trap!

Krayne is right. I could sense it. Though they may be hiding but I could sense their blood thirst. We were surrounded in the church. Up the stairs many was pointing their weapons at our head.

"Emma," I called. "Remember when I said that we necromancers are much more of cold blooded reptiles and don't have much emotions."

"Yes, dad I remembered."

"I think it's time to switch our emotions entirely off right honey?"

She walked beside me. "Agreed." She touched her necklace and Baishi and Kuro quickly responded to her touch creating black scythe like mine and her body turning into white protective armored dress.

Clicked! Bam!.

Emma and I moved in a swift moment knowing that our enemy was actually using gun. We dodged every one of the bullets Sierra and Lilith followed along. Our scythe clashed with the bullets.

Sierra danced with the bullets until she jumps off the ground and went flying around the church summoning her lightning clan weapon, archery shooting down the espers from hall falling to their deaths.

Lilith started to charged straight into the church and I won't stop her she was strong enough to take care of her own. Using a little of magic I started to send out ice magic to our enemies and turning them into statues before attacking us anymore. Sierra was backing me up and Emma summoned a large crowd of undead to attack her enemies. When the enemies was defeated we charged straight in deeper into the church.

The man that took my wife was there and my wife lying unconscious on the ground with strange design and circle. Without a doubt this is the place the sacrifice will take place. I looked at the man. He doesn't look too surprised. "It's great to see you again Prince Damien. Do you remember me?" He smiles.

Then everything hits me. He was the man whom told my people where I was and captured me. He was the man whom previously set up everything so that he could have everything. He was the traitor friend not Lucifer. He used me. He used Lucifer. Now he is setting up everything again. "How are you still here Vincent?"

He grinned. "Idiot. How did you think I was able to survive until now Prince Damien? That is but of course by using your life force and Lady Elizabeth, but now all of that can come to an end because little Jessica here is chosen to become the sacrifice and all of us can be saved."

"It won't be that easy."

"Uncle Vincent please... Just stop." Sierra begged. "Then we all can go back to what is was."

He looked over to Sierra. "Everything can go back to what it was when the sacrifice has taken place. I know you'll be fine so I don't have to worry about you. After all, you are now a pure blood so you can saved without overusing your powers. As for the others like me we won't be able to live long. This is our only solution Sierra so never tell us to stop. Oh by the please do tell Prince Lucifer that I said hi well if that is he'll still be sane."

I was feeling rather bloodthirsty and when he rambled about Lucifer just to get on my nerves the coldness inside my heart shattered. I was in a killer mode with my speed I pointed my scythe towards his neck. I could've killed if I want to but something tells me he was plotting something even bigger. He was still maintaining a calm posture his grinned was still on his face.

"Not so cold anymore Prince Damien. Probably because you know something or else," he smiles putting his finger on my scythe pushing it away as if he knew I wouldn't be able to kill me. "I would've been killed by now. Well let's just end with the chit chat. I'll like to introduce you to someone you know and Emma's."

A strange girl appeared hooded. "Hi Mr. Kritanta my name is Vikki Vandelon Donovan. Do you still remember me?" I didn't say a word but I took a look on Emma reaction and it was filled sadness.

"Vikki," Emma whispered. "You're my childhood friend.

"Wonderful, glad that you still have an amazing memory Emma. Now to introduce the next person Lucifer."

My eyes widen in shock from the shadow that body shape looked exactly like Lucifer. When the boy walked out my hands trembled. "Lucifer?" He looked in a dazed. "What have you done to him Vincent?"

"Oh nothing really I just manipulated his mind a little. All this time he thought his father was torturing him giving him order he must obey or suffer pain from the head each time he disobeyed a command. Well to be honest everything I just said was true but only one fact that wasn't true. It wasn't his father that was torturing him all along it was me and only me." Vincent eyed at me.

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