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" she'll be alright, just not tonight "

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" she'll be alright, just not tonight "

4th of May 2018

I was only nine when the rain came.
And I remember every detail.
It started out as a normal day. The sun was shining. No clouds at all. I hated school, but that day I had to go as my mum was working and didn't have time to look after me like she usually did.
I was an outcast at school. No friends, no siblings, no one.
Which is why when I had to go, I said I was sick so I could just go home.
I snuck into the bathrooms with my father's phone, that I had stolen from the kitchen table, and dialled my mum's number.
I placed the phone on the edge of the sink and opened the door a crack to make sure no one was in the hallway. Totally empty. Letting out a sigh of relief, I shut the door slowly.
"Please pick up, please please please." I muttered, holding the phone to my ear.
I took another quick look outside. Dark clouds had suddenly taken over the clear, blue sky that was there only seconds ago.
Then, the soft patter of rain.
I heard several cracks and then my mother's pleasant voice. "Hello?"
"H-hi mum." I greeted.
"Nora, Nora, where are you?" Her voice now strangely laced with panic and worry.
"I'm in the bathrooms at school-" I was cut off.
She swore under her breath. "I'm going to come and pick you up now."
I felt confused. I hadn't even told her I was 'sick' yet. "W-why?"
"Look, there's something wrong with the rain and-." The connection cut off.
"Mum? Are you there?" No answer. "Mum? What's up with the rain?" Still no answer.
I balanced the phone on the edge of the sink again and took another look at what was happening behind the door.
Somebody or something flung themselves against the glass of a window just outside the bathrooms, before falling back and spasming in the heavy rain.
I picked up the phone "Mum? Are you coming to pick me up?"
Another few cracks and then her voice: "I'm sorry sweetie, the people at work aren't letting me leave, just stay calm, stay inside when it rains and I love you."
Then she hung up.
What does she mean they won't let her leave?
Stay inside when it rains?
Thousands of questions were bouncing around in my head.
I clicked off the phone and ran out of the bathroom.
I walked slowly towards the window.
The sight that greeted me was horrifying.
The body of the person that ran at the window was the first one I saw.
Covered in a bile-like liquid and still spasming as I had seen it doing before.
But it wasn't just him, there were hundreds of people doing exactly the same thing.
Spasming and then throwing up bile.
I backed away in terror.
My mother was right.
There was something wrong with the rain.

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