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" she was so artistic

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" she was so artistic.
painting smiles on every one's
faces but her own "

21st of febuary 2025

Who cares if Martin isn't the nicest person in the world?
At least the rest of my group seems alright.
My world was kind of like a fifteen page colouring book and five pages were left black and white. Now it felt like a page had been coloured.
We trudged along a dirt path littered with tire-marks and puddles while I trailed behind the group.
I guess I've gotten used to not fitting in.
I was so absorbed in my mind, I didn't realise a presence walking beside me.
It was the blonde girl from before.
"Hey." She smiled.
I looked up quickly and turned my head to look at her. "Oh, um, h-hello." I smiled back. "Thank you for saving me from getting shot before." I followed my sentence up with an awkward laugh.
"It's fine, really." She replied. "I'm Simone."
"Nora, but I think you already know that." I said, glancing up at the white sky.
She nodded her head and smiled at me again.
I liked her smile. I probably liked it just because I hadn't seen a smile since I was nine.
But why would anyone smile when the world is ending?
I wasn't really sure what to say next. My voice still sounded strange to me. Like I was hearing myself say everything. Like I wasn't actually there. The feeling was hard to explain.
Simone had drifted near the front of the group. I didn't realise though until I felt another presence beside me. This one felt different though.
It was the boy I locked eyes with before.
I took a quick glance at him while he wasn't looking.
Strawberry-blond hair. Tall.
That's all I remember seeing.
I didn't even know who he was, yet, I felt a connection. Something electric.
Before I knew it, he turned to me. "Hi."
"H-hi." I said, my voice almost a whisper.
The boy turned his head back out towards the track in front of us. "Your name's Nora, isn't it?"
"Yeah, what's your's?" I asked, looking out towards the same direction as him.
"Rasmus." He replied. "I like your name. It's pretty."
My face dissolved into a deeper shade of red. "Thanks."
I could hear my heart beating in my ears.
"I want to get to know you." Rasmus said. "You seem... Mysterious. Like you have a story that's worth telling."
My mind blanked and I nearly forgot how to speak. "I want to get to know you t-too."
Then he gave me a smile that melted my entire body.
Then, I started to fall deeper and deeper, until I realised:
I was in love.

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