chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (One hell of a night)


I was half way through the parking lot going to my pal’s condo when I bumped into someone. I got up quickly to offer her my help, and to my surprise, it was my best friend Psyche, and what the hell!—is she’s crying?

Oh crap! Why is she crying? Who the hell did this? – that is exactly what’s going through my head while clutching my fist tightly when I got to look at her face which was now wet because of tears.

Sh*t, I really hate seeing her like this! So vulnerable, helpless, and hurt, it literally tears my heart into pieces knowing that I could never be able to ease her pain!

Ugh. This really sucks! I love her so much to see her like this! – This is what I had in mind before I hugged her as tight as I could to make her feel that I’m right here for her and I’ll never leave.

Yes you read it right, I love my best friend, I know this might sound a bit cliché but, I love her more than anything in this world, I love her more than myself, and I know I love her more than I could ever love anyone in else.

But sadly, she loves me only as her friend.

Sigh. Truth does hurt.

I decided to loosen up the embrace as soon as I felt that she have already calmed down; then I dragged her to my car send her home before she does anything foolish.

Why did I say so?

Simply because she’s in her vulnerable state right now, and the last time she’s been this quiet was the day that her father, her only living relative, committed suicide in front of her. That incident even caused her to experience a psychological trauma making her panic, nervous, and frightened at the idea of being left alone. The psychologist said that the phobia could even lead to suicidal attempts; so upon knowing that I decided to take care of her and never leave her side, that way I could make sure that she will never do something stupid and I’ll never lose the girl I love.

But I guess all my efforts are now put into waste because it seems to me that there’s something wrong, she looks so desperate and hurt, which worries me even more.

I was sweating real bad, while driving, afraid of what might be running through her head; I was nearly panicking that I was so relieved when we have arrived in front of her house.

“Finally!” – I thought as I stood in her front door waiting for her to get inside, but instead she just looked at me straight into the eyes. And said, “You told me before that you love me, right?", still looking at me intently.

“What the?! You come up to me crying, make me panic like hell, then you'll ask me the most stupid question I've ever heard?! Seriously Psyche?! What kind of question is that?" I shouted in frustration.

She didn't answer me that's why I decided to talk again.

"Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?” I tried to ask her calmly. But the next thing she told me literally made my jaw drop in shock.

“I’m asking that to you because I want you to marry me.” That’s what she said.

Dumbfounded, I tried to find the logic of what was happening, there must be a reason for all of this. I thought. And I just laughed out loud when I finally got to form a conclusion.

“Why are you laughing?" She asked with her eyebrows creased in confusion.

“I’m laughing cause you’re joking, right?” I said still chuckling.

“Argh! Do I look like I’m joking to you? I’m d*mn serious Eros and I need your answer now!!!” Crap! She looked like she’s going to burst anytime because of anger!

Uh-oh. I think I’ve just made one wrong move. To hell with me and my stupid sense of humor! Tsk. I’m making matters even worst. Ugh.

“So you’re *gulp* serious?” I said stuttering.

Could somebody please tell me what’s happening! Am I going crazy already? Or maybe, I’m already dead; wait a minute, am I? 

Cause if you’d ask me, those are more acceptable explanations of what’s happening right now, for there is no way that my Psyche would ever ask me to marry her. Damn!

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