chapter 7

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Chapter 7 (She's inlove with whom?)


When we got tired of playing with the kids, I took her to the quiet side of the playground to rest and watch the clouds just like when we were young.

“Why did you tell me earlier that this place is your first home?” she suddenly brought up.

“Cause I was originally an orphan, well until I reached the age of seven that is. Then I was adopted by the parents that I came to know way back before I met you.” I replied honestly, while she just remained silent, looking at me seriously.

“If you pity me for being an orphan once in my life, please don’t, because for me, my days here are one of the best that I shall remember till the day I die. And I’m also happy and contented with my whole life and I have nothing to regret.” I told her.

“I do not pity you, Eros. Well in fact I actually am proud of you that you were able to accept everything that life have offered you, accepted it freely and even after everything, you still chose to come back here and help the other children.” She told me honestly.

"I think you are going to be a good father. You're future family are so lucky." She suddenly said while smiling.

“Thank you.” Was my only response as I looked at the beautiful clouds in the sky, even if I'm wishing that she realizes that she's the only person I want to build a family with.

We just remained quiet for a moment, forming figures from the clouds when she broke off the silence saying, “I think I know to whom I will give the key to my heart.”

I was so flabbergasted with what I heard and a bit saddened at the same time cause I have a feeling that it is not me. So I guess what I'm thinking wouldn't be possible after all?

But still I love her so much, and I’m willing to support her decision even If it hurts.

“Th-that’s great. I’m happy for you. Uhmm… let’s go? It’s already getting kinda late, I’ll just talk to mother superior, you go ahead and say goodbye the kids.” I just said lifelessly.

So she’s in love with someone else already? I guess we’re really not meant for each other, or maybe I’m not really her type; what do you think?

Sigh. Atleast I know that I did my best and I have made her feel my love and that’s all that matters.

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