chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (The decision)


I still couldn't believe what's happening! What am I supposed to do now? The girl I love just asked me to marry her, but why am I not happy? And in contrary, I could feel that I'm hurting inside. Is it because I know that she's just planning to use me as her rebound?

Then why is there a part of me that wants to accept her offer? Yeah, you could call me a martyr but what could I do? I'm madly in love with her!


But then again, even if I do love her with all my heart, and even if I wanted to accept her proposal real bad-I still won't; because I love this girl so much to let her do something that I know she might soon regret.

So here goes, "I'm sorry Mica, but I can't accept your offer." I told her while looking down.

"W-why? I thought you love me? And why did you call me Mica? You never call me that, remember?!" She shouted.

"Oh, right! Ha! I think I already know why. Tell me, are you tired of me too? Are you going to leave me like everyone else?" She said after a while, now with a new set of tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Please don't cry, you know how I hate seeing you cry... Psyche, it's not what you think. You know that I love you, I always have and I always will, but this is wrong and I'm not going to tolerate your silly games anymore." I told her honestly.

"If you really love me then why are you rejecting me too?! Is something wrong with me? Why am I always the one left behind? Don't I deserve to be happy? Tell me!" she yelled at me crying.

"Hush baby. Nothing's wrong with you, and please don't ever think that you are alone cause as long as I'm here I that would never happen" I said trying to comfort her.

She was still sobbing as I hugged her again. Then out of nowhere she suddenly broke the silence that has been drowning us.

"I know." She said, "And that's why I'm doing this. I don't want to be left alone anymore. I know it might sound selfish, but I know with you at least I could possibly be happy. You love me, and I know you'll never leave, but I know that you could also grow tired of me, but I don't want you to leave me too one day-ever. I'm sorry but-I need you Eros, I need you to be with me forever, I need you to make me fall in love again. Please help me." Her voice begging, her eyes locked on mine.

I was taken aback, I wanted to say no because I know that I might end up hurting myself, but I couldn't just couldn't bear seeing her in pain. Well, to hell with the consequences! I'm going to try to take the risk and I swear I'll do anything to make her fall for me.

I sighed before hugging her tighter and whispering to her ear. "Ok, I'm gonna marry you, but if in one year I won't be able to make you fall for me, we're going to file an annulment."

"And another thing, I have one condition that you have to follow, is it okay with you?" I asked.

"I'll do anything you want but please promise me that you'll heal my broken heart." that's what she said in reply reaching out her hand to me. "I promise." I told her honestly as I took her pinky finger to seal our pledge.

"Pinky swear" we said in unison.

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