chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (I love her this much)


So yeah, we got married and so far everything turned out perfectly fine. Nothing really have changed, we still treat each other normally like nothing happened. Crazy, but we just look like two close friends living together instead of a newly married couple. Laughs.

But honestly, that's fine with me at least her depression didn't worsen and just two weeks after the marriage she got to go back to work again. *Smiles*

And about my one condition to her, it seems to have been going well too, well except for the fact that she always throw tantrums because of it. Ha-ha

Do you wanna know what it is?

Well nothing much really, I just told her that the moment that she say 'I do', she'll automatically be my princess and I'll be her slave, silly isn't it? But I really mean it, every word from it, because eversince, for me she is a princess that I should take care of.

And now in line with that, I'm cooking breakfast for my gorgeous wife and a few minutes more this should be ready.

There all done! All I have to do now is bring this to her room. So I prepared the tray the juice, the table napkin and everything that she might need before I took her breakfast to her room.

And yes you read that right, "HER" room which means we have two separate rooms. Yes we may be married but that doesn't mean that we should already share the same room. And another thing is she still doesn't love me yet, so I've decided never to touch her (even if I have all the right in the world) until she learns to love me back.

You could call me stupid or a martyr, but honestly, I don't care. I respect and love Psyche this much.

Funny, but I didn't even kiss her lips on the day of our wedding, well I kissed her forehead instead. *blush*

And yeah on the night of our honeymoon, she couldn't help but laugh at me when I sent her away when she was bugging me about sleeping on the same bed.

What could I say, I love her too much to take advantage of her, that's why I am trying so hard to resist her. I know it might sound foolish but, I want her to give herself only to the man she loves-even if I know it might not be me.

Sigh. Enough of this sentiments, I finally got in front of her room. So I gently opened the door, afraid to make a sound and wake her up.

I laid the tray on her side table as quietly as possible then sat in her bed as I started staring at her beautiful face before I whispered, "Good morning sleepyhead, breakfast in bed", before gently kissing the top of her head.

Everytime I watch her sleep peacefully like this I just couldn't regret my decision of marrying her, I know I might be dying inside having her with me yet not having her heart, but if you'll ask me, I'll rather bear that than to see her broken and not doing anything to help.

I was still busy with my thoughts when I heard her speak while stretching her arms saying, "Hmm... Good morning dear husband why are you staring at me?"

"Well you can't blame me wife, you're so gorgeous that I couldn't take my eyes off of you." I said honestly.

"Yeah right." She blushingly replied looking away. And I couldn't help but smile at her cute reaction.

"Oh here! I forgot, I cooked this for you, this is my newly invented dish, I made it just for you." I said to her smiling then I took a spoonful for her.

"Hmm... thank you, this is great." She told me before she suddenly stopped eating then glared at me.

"What's wrong? Does it taste awful?" I asked her panicking, eating a spoonful too.

"Tell me the truth, are you planning to make me fat? And what was that huh? Is that an indirect kiss dear husband?" she said seriously with one eyebrow raised.

Now it's my time to blush. She really this huge power over me. *Smiles*

"What? Ha-ha. But now that you've mentioned it, that's a great idea, especially now that you seemed to have been skinnier because of too much work." I replied laughing a bit, dodging the last stement.

She was giggling when she suddenly seemed to have remebered something important. "Oh my gosh speaking of work! What time is it?" she asked nervously. "It's 9:05, why?" I replied.

"Shoot! I have a meeting at 9:30!" she told me before trying to get out of bed but I grabbed her wrist and said, "Finish your meal, I'll take care of everything."

"But-" She was about to argue with me when I think she realized that it would just take more time, so she just sighed in defeat. "Ok-ok you win!"

"Yes!" I thought because I really hate arguing with her. Why? She's a lawyer and I'll tell you, she's good at debating. I guess today's my lucky day, I thought.

Hence I fixed everything that she might need, clothes, bag, files, everything. Good thing I washed her clothes and ironed them yesterday.

Uhm. Have i told you that except from cooking for her, I also do the dishes, wash her clothes (even if she doesn't want me to), iron them and send her to work? Oh well, now you know.

That's has been my daily routine for the past month, that is if I don't have meetings to attend to though.

The perks of being a home based top chef. I usually stay at home whenever I want to, a great advantage that I get for being the best in my field. Well, I learned how to cook when I was 7, opened my own restaurant at the age of ten, and been at the top for 15 straight years afterwards.

While my wonderful wife on the other hand is the best lawyer in town. She had a bunch of huge cases that seemed impossible to win, but guess what?-She won them all, that's how great she is.

What a perfect couple right? Ha-ha. But unfortunately, that could just be in my dreams.

Anyways, as I got all the stuff that she might need, I went inside her room and to my surprise-I saw her wearing only a towel!

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