chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (She broke my heart)


I have been in my condo for a while now, and it's already dark outside, meaning it's evening already.

I was about to drink from my last bottle of beer when someone grabbed it from my hand and drank from it—bottoms up!

“Hey what are you doing here?! Why did you drink that?! That was mine! Have you forgotten that drinking is not good for you? You have low tolerance for alcohol remember?!" I yelled at her.

"Tss. You’re such a stubborn wife!” I added.

“Hey you!.. Stupid husband!.. What do you think you’re doing here drinking on our anniversary alone?! We should be celebrating together, but here you are drowning yourself with alcohol! What's your problem?! I was worried sick when you left, moron! Didn’t you even think that someone’s waiting for you to go home?!” she said, and with the looks of it she’s drunk.

“As if you really care. And it's not as if there's a reason for me to celebrate. Tss. How about you, why are you here? And how’d you even get in?” I asked taking the bottle from her hand.

instead of answering my question she just lifted up my hand and asked, “Hey what happened to that?”

“None of your business. I’m the one who’s asking right? How’d you get in?” I said taking my hand from her.

She smiled naughtily and said, “Spare key. Ha-ha”, while laughing and raising it on her hand.

F*ck! I total forgot that I gave that to her before, just in case she needed something.

“Tsk. Just go home will you! Or better yet runaway with the man you love!” I yelled before tears started to fall from my eyes.

“I’m with him right now, duh! You’re not just a stupid husband; you’re a dense one too! Pssh.” she blurted out taking the bottle again from me and finishing up the drink.

“The hell! Where is he? Damn him! Why did he let you drink?! Argh, that stupid bastard! Wait I’ll just call him.” I said.

But before I could stand up, she suddenly grabbed my wrist, held my face and kissed me passionately.

She is drunk! That’s the first thing that flashed into my mind while kissing her, and upon remembering that, I push her gently to stop her.

“Why’d you do that? Why do you always keep on hurting me like this?” I asked furiously.

“I’m so sorry.” She said then she hugged me.

“Wait. Why is she crying? Is it because her conscience is bugging her for using me. Yeah, maybe that’s just it.” I thought.

“Don’t be, ok? I’m happy for you. I’m glad that you'll finally get to be happy. You don’t have to worry about me, just promise me that you’ll never cry again, that would be enough for me. I love you and I want you to be happy, so I’m setting you free.” I told her, trying to escape from her tight embrace.

“No! I don’t want you to!” she said crying and hugging me tighter. “You can’t leave me Eros, I swear I’m gonna die! Please... don’t do this to me." she continued.

"Bullshit! What the hell is happening really?! I don't even know how to react with actions anymore! She's in love with someone else but she doesn't want to lose me? what kind of nonesense is that?!" I thought in confusion.

“What are you saying Psyche? I’m doing this for you -- for your happiness. I’m letting you go. I’m going to file an annulment tomorrow morning. Goodbye.”

“Wha-no-no! You can’t do this to me, Eros! You can't leave me, please don't... You are my life now, and I can’t live without you by my side.” She told me sobbing real hard that it pains me inside seeing her like this.

“I love you Eros, I have loved you for so long now; I don’t know when it started but all I know is what I feel is true. Please believe me, I love you, and I promise that I’ll do everything for you... Just let me show you how much I love you. Please...” The girl I love said,  still crying.

If you'll ask me, what she is telling me right now is really hard to process--I thought? Argh! Is she serious?

“A-are you serious?” I finally managed to ask while stuttering.

“I've never been this serious my whole life! Just give me a chance. Please... I’m sorry if I was not able to to show you how I feel, it’s just that, I... I don’t know how... You make me feel so special that I don't know how to return the favor anymore. But starting from today, I promise that I’ll make it up to you, i'll do anything--everything just promise me that I won't lose you, ever.” She said honestly.

“But I thought... I thought you are in love with someone else? I thought you got back with that jerk?” I asked her confused.

“Of course not! When I told you that I think I’m in love again,  that moment I already know that it’s you; and about what you saw earlier, it was nothing. I just hugged him to congratulate him cause he’s getting married and he just went to the office to apologize. That's it I swear!" She said honestly raising her hand and making an invisible cross on her chest like she usually does when we were still kids.

It really couldn't sink in to me. This adorable and gorgeous lady is in love with me? If this is just a dream I would rather not wake up to face reality and just stay here in this paradise.

“I’m sorry for jumping into conclusions without asking first, love.” I said awkwardly, running my fingers on the hair near my nape.

“You don't have to apologize, it is partly my fault too. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make you feel my love which caused you to get treaten that you might lose me. I'm so sorry my Eros." She said calmly while I just smiled at her in reply.

"Don't just smile there like nothing happened Navarro! Damn you, I almost got a heart attack with the thought of losing you!" She said laughing a bit, which I just answered with a chuckle. Honestly I got a bit embarased of what she said, apart from being glad.

"So uhm... are we alright now?" I asked awkwardly, running my hands through my hair.

"Of couse we are silly." She told me before she laughed again, with that mesmerizing laugh that makes me fall for her even more.

"Hmm... Ok here, to prove to you that I'm telling the truth and that you really are the one for me, take this.” She said as she gave me her other necklace which symbolizes the key to her heart.

“Don’t lose that ok? Cause from now on I entrust my heart to you and only you, my Eros my new found heart.”

"Do you want to try to use it?" She asked before handing the two neckalaces to me.

To my surpise, I found a photo of us inside the heart-shaped locket, which made my heart jump in glee.

I juat looked at her intently, smiling widely. And with that our lips met. The kiss lasted for a while but I pulled back.

“Why?" she asked. But instead of answering I just carried her to my room and laid her on the bed then kissed her forehead.

“It's getting late, so, goodnight love, sleep tight and dream of only me.” I told her while smiling before getting off the bed.

I was halfway out the room when she suddenly spoke saying, “Uhmm… Eros can’t you stay?”, while biting her lower lip and playing with her fingers.

“I’m sorry but I can’t, love” I replied plainly.

“But I thought we’re ok already?” she said pouting.

"Of course we are but I want to marry you again first, but this time with the assurance that you really mean it when you say 'I do', before you know..." I said as mischievous knowing smile plastered on my face.

"And, uhmm, ‘that' can wait.” I then added laughing.

“Shut up! I really hate you Eros Navarro! You one hell of a masochist!” she yelled, her face as red as an apple, throwing me her pillow.

“I love you too Mrs. Navarro!” I replied with a grin before running out.

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