chapter 8

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Chapter 8 (Our last day)


Guess what special occasion is up for today — it’s our first year anniversary!

Who would've thought that we'll last this long?

Even if nothing much changed in that one whole year, I’m still very happy that we have survived it together and I was able to make her feel how much I love her.

Although she has been acting rather normal today, I have felt her tension when I was around and even until I sent her to work.

I think this is really is it. She’s going to leave, but I don’t care, for as long as she’ll be happy, I’ll definitely be happy as well.

And so instead of being bitter for knowing that today will be our last day as husband and wife, I decided to make a simple photo tribute about the things that have happened between us for the past year.

I also prepared a very special dinner for her, thinking that this could be the last time that I could cook for her.

And even made her my parting gift, a video message with songs that I recorded and made just for her.

When I finished with all the preparations, I decided to pick her up from work bringing with me a bouquet of freshly picked white roses from our garden.

As I got to her law firm, I excitedly headed to her office, only to see her hugging his bastard ex-boyfriend!

“Thank you Mica.” I heard him say, before I dropped the flowers in my hand and left without even saying a word.

I heard Psyche call out my name but I ignored her, getting in my car and driving as fast as I could away from them.

So, I guess I'm too late huh?

All along I thought I was ready, I thought I could accept that she’s in love with someone else—but hell! I just couldn’t accept the fact that she had fallen all over again to that bastard who once broke her heart!

I just can’t take seeing her get hurt again because of that guy who definitely doesn’t deserve her!

Why does it have to be him? Why can’t it be me instead? With me I swear she won’t cry again, with me she’ll always be protected, with me she’ll always be loved, with me she’ll never be alone, so why won't she chose me?

I was so frustrated and angry that as soon as I got inside my condo, I went straight to my mini bar and drank every drop of alcohol that I could take in, even if I don't really drink.

I was crying so hard while punching the mirror in my bathroom, before making my way to my room trying to let out my rage, but I all I have made is a mess.

I guess there is really nothing I could do anymore.

Maybe I should really forget her for good, knowing that she’s finally happy now with her true love back.

Maybe I never really had a chance, and I’m just nothing but a rebound that she needed when he had hurt her, but now that he’s back, I’m good for nothing. Great. Just great.

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