Chapter 1

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"Wow... I suck at sex scenes"

I set up the open book in my lap, flabbergasted at the passage I had read and essentially wrote. How did my editor get away with not pointing it out or fixing it?

"'She touched his chest and moaned, lost in pleasure. Every time he inserted himself into her, she moaned.' that is so redundant. What is wrong with me?!"

In anger, I tossed the book at the far wall. There was no way I was that terrible, yet there it was in my own book. What was even worse was that I had written multiple sex scenes and that was the newest one. I leaned back against the bedposts behind me, letting out and aggravated sigh. How was it that I could write fantastic romance, but crappy sex? I could practically feel the passion and love oozing from every romancing I came across, but the sex was robotic.

What this a reflection of me? I was single, living with a cat, but I was no virgin nor was I ignorant about sex. I knew the inns and outs about making love, rough fucking, and everything inbetween. Then again, I hadn't had sex since college... which was four years ago...

" oh for chrissake..."

Who was I kidding? My love life was as dry as it could be. Because of my work being a full-time writer, I never devoted time to finding a romantic or sexual partner. I couldn't help it, though; I loved my work and place it's first of all the time. My cat, most likely sensing my frustration, hopped onto my bed and nuzzled my side as I rubbed my face and eyes with my palms. I look down, seeing her stare into my eyes and let out a small but loving meow. I smiled and gently patted her head, rubbing the bridge of her nose with my thumb. As she paired, I let out a small side year, feeling my body relax a bit.

"Well, baby girl, what do you think I should do?"

I chuckled and softly lifted my cats into my arms, letting her lay on my chest as I rested my head back against the bed posts. The more I thought about it, the more I began to recognize the loneliness I had in my life.

I really did desire to be held, to be loved by another human being. However, my world became my lover and it was a jealous and clingy lover indeed. I ran my hand over my cats fair, running a bit despite feeling her purr against my chest.

I let the question resonate in my thoughts for a moment before hearing my cell phone buzz on my nightstand. I stretch my arm out and took hold of my phone, bringing it to my ear and answering the call.

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