Chapter 12

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The third day of being in the cabin, however, was full of me slamming my head against a metaphoric in the world. I was getting nowhere and fast, having to ride to section over and over and not being satisfied.

The day before I was fine, but something was off now. Every writer usually hit some sort of block in their creative process, but this was detrimental to my practice. I didn't want to let myself or Lee down.

I sat on the couch that evening glaring at the scene I had written after giving up. 

"Gerald gently took Jasmina into his arms, sitting her on his lap with her back against his chest. Jasmine shivered at the feeling of his skin against hers. The sound of his breath against her ear made her very heart quake in her chest, overflowing with desire for the man holding her."

Gerald: "You are so beautiful..."

Jasmina : "You're just saying that"

"Gerald softly place a kiss beneath her ear, making her gasp and let out a sigh of pleasure. Silenced by his kiss, Jasmina ran her fingers along his hands as they wrapped themselves around her nude body."

I felt myself dancing my own fingers along my arm, trying to emulate the feeling. Alas, I felt no such shivers nor did I see the fluidity of the scene and it had barely even been written. What was wrong? Did I lose my momentum? I traced the top of my laptop with my finger, eventually letting out a sigh and closing it.

"Nope. Nope. I am not gonna force it. I'm done for today." I stood from my spot, rubbing my eyes and shaking out my aggravation. I couldn't let this sway me. I was going to get better with practice and there was no way it would happen overnight. I was going to have obstacles. I expected this. But i was frustrated that I was on a roll and suddenly stopped. I looked to the floor and shook my head. Not now.

I began to trek towards my room when Lee stepped out of his room, most likely finished with his own business. Just because I was on break didn't mean he was off the hook from the world. Knowing him, he was booking my next book talk or autograph signing.

"Huh? Hey, what's wrong?" I pressed my lips together, Did I even want to tell him? I was in no mood to get lectured and I was already mad at myself enough. But he was my manager and he was someone who was willing to help. I looked up at him, trying to mask the irritation I had in my face and voice.

"Writer's block. The next section is just not coming out right and I don't know why." Lee stared at me, most likely taking in what I meant. It was rare that I told him straight out, but I had decided to after all. I rubbed my temple and cracked my neck. 

"I'm done for the day. I need to shower and relax in my room. Excuse me." I nodded to Lee before walking around him, effectively ending the conversation. I needed time to seethe and I wasn't going to let loose on him. I needed time to relax and it was going to be alone.

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