1. The Manor

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"Guys," Tim screeched as he ran into the oversized family game room. He took a moment to view his uncaring family.

Damian sat on the floor, reading a book. Jason sat on a recliner also reading a book. Dick and Babs were cuddling together on the couch, in a friend way, discussing Wally and his red hair and flaming gay personality. Stephanie and Cass were watching a chick flick on tv. Even Bruce sat in his chair looking over paperwork.

"Guys, pay attention."

Damian looked up from his book, glaring. "What is it, Drake?"

"It's July twenty second," Tim informed them.

"Who cares," Damian rolled his eyes as he looked back down at his book. Jason looked up from his own with curiosity.

Tim took in a deep breath, "Guys it's shark week, the only holiday I care about. It's better than Christmas, Death Day, four twenty, and Halloween combined."

"Okay, you a-ses didn't let me celebrate my Death Day nor did you let me celebrate four twenty. Let's give Tim this one," Jason persuaded from his spot. He put his bookmark in the cress of the book to insure he wouldn't lose his spot.

"What about the beach? I mean, it's summer and we haven't even done anything fun," Dick pitched in, untangling himself from Barbara. They both sat up, sitting close together.

"Wow, Dick," Tim paused for a moment wiping away a fake tear. "I know you don't understand Shark Week, but thank you for supporting us."

Dick nodded his head, ignoring his brother's dramatics. "We can go swim, grill, have a camp fire."

"Wait," Barbara looked around. "Us in public, with fire? Have you not learned your lesson from the accident?"

"The gala where we made Slade Wilson into Avocado Man?" Stephanie piped from the tv. She got up and began walking over to the group.

"It was a mess but we are more responsible now," Dick grinned. "I have the scars to prove it."

"I also have the hospital bills to prove it," Bruce grumbled.

"Okay, fine. No fire, but we can still celebrate the thirtieth Shark Week at the beach," Tim begged. "Please guys. I'm willing to go outside for this."

"We live in Gotham city," Damian stated. "The nearest beach is about three hours from here."

"I have a beach house," Bruce hummed. "It's on the west coast of Florida but we can make it."

"When are we leaving?" Tim exclaimed.

"As soon as you want," Bruce stood up. "I will call work and take the week off. We can spend a day or two at the beach and then go around Florida. How does Harry Potter Land sound?"

Damian snorted, "did you just say 'Harry Potter Land'?"

"I might have," Bruce replied.

"It's call the Wizarding World of Harry Potter," Damian hissed. "And I'd be very bored, but open, to the idea."

Jason took in a deep breath as he watched the now fourteen year old boy walk out of the room. "I knew that kid was into Harry Potter. He nearly squealed when the song started playing on my playlists when I had to drive him home from Titans Tower."

"I didn't squeal," Damian screamed from down the hall.

Tim laughed a bit. "Is this why he always goes missing when there is a Harry Potter marathon on Free Form?"

"I believe so," Dick replied. "I never saw him as the magic type though."

"Maybe it's a phase," Cassandra chipped in. "I used to be obsessed with Harry Potter when  I was reading the books."

"I bet that girl Maps got him into it," Stephanie said.

"No way, it was Jon," Tim argued.

"Children, stop your bickering and go get packed," Bruce bellowed.

"One question," Jason voiced.

"Yes," the group uttered as they began walking out.

"Can Roy come too?"

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