4. The Beach

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"Ladies and gentlemen," Dick began, "put your hands together for the one and only Tim Drake, in his marveling act of backflipping off the deck, into the humongous and partly dangerous, last frontier on Earth, the Ocean!"

Tim took a gulp of water before taking a long run from the beach to the deck, then jumping in a cannonball form into the blue water. A loud splash sounded, alerting everyone that Tim made it to water. A solo clap came from Stephanie who sat at the table with Bruce, sipping on a lemon water.

Dick then ran on the deck, doing a front flip off. This time Bruce and Stephanie clapped.

"I give it a five out of ten," Barbara grinned.

"Please, his flip was more like a negative five out of one hundred," Damian sassed.

"Then what was my cannonball?" Tim queered.

"It was so bad I couldn't rank it."

"Oooooh," Jason and Roy both cheered.

Damian grinned proudly as he watched his brothers swim, he loved when his comebacks for the attention they deserved. Soon Barbara and Cassandra left the beach blanket, leaving him alone to lay back and play on his phone.

"It's so unfair that Damian doesn't burn," Dick hissed as he looked towards land where Damian sat. "Here I burn like a red head."

"Hey, not all red heads burn," Roy hissed. "I don't burn. It's the Native American in me."

"Wait, you are Native America?" Tim exclaimed.

Roy nodded his head. "The tat on my arm is a tribe thing. My dad was Native, my mom white. I'm half and half but I have more than enough to claim it."

"Then why does everyone think you are so white?" Cassandra questioned.

"Artist interpretation. Why does everything think you are white, Cass?"

"Touché," Cassandra replied before diving into the water.

"Do you know what would be cool," Tim began. "If Aquaman showed up and summoned some sharks with his awesome fishy powers. I mean he's useless other than that."

"Okay, Aquaman is pretty cool. He can summon the biggest creatures on this planet with his mind. He could actually made a shark tornado with the help of Red Tornado," Dick defended.

"No way," Barbara hissed. "The sharks would die because they wouldn't have any oxygen provided from the water. And even if they adapted to air they wouldn't have any in the tornado."

"They did in Sharknado," Jason screamed. "Don't be telling me that my dreams of Sharknado being real isn't true!"

"Stop being such a freak, Jason," Barbara rolled her eyes before noticing Dick was missing from the conversation. "Where did Richard go?"

"Richardo?" Tim questioned as they started looking around.

"Shark," Damian screamed. "Shark, shark, shark."

The group turned into full survival mode, swiftly swimming to shore while halfway also searching for Dick Incase he drowned. When they reached the sand they noticed a couple fins.

"The freaking demon brat wasn't lying," Jason exclaimed.

"A shark," Tim grinned, grabbing for his phone. Right after he snapped a pic the fins came up from the water to reveal a cute aquatic mammal.

"It was dolphins," Cassandra sighed with relief.

"Still, where is Dick?" Roy questioned, looking around. He stood up and began looking for his friend.

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