2. The Plane Ride

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"Will you imbeciles be silent?" Damian screeched as he became incredibly frustrated with his family. He couldn't believe his bad luck.

The group ended up having to take two jets due to the fact there was so many of them and so much they had to bring. Bruce forgot to mention that the beach house wasn't up to date so they were bringing some appliances with them such as an abundance of air conditioners, a fridge, washer, dryer, new stove, and microwave.

Damian got the short straw, meaning he had to fly with Jason, Roy, Tim, and Dick. Barbara, Stephanie, Cassandra, Bruce, and Alfred were on a plane that left an hour before them.

The plane ride wasn't going to be long, a few hours at most. Damian wouldn't mind it if he didn't have to deal with a bunch of homosexuals.

Jason and Roy were practically making out with their eyes, Tim was going on about wanting to see a shark and maybe even feed it, and Dick was video chatting with Wally. All Damian wanted to do was watch a few episodes of Game of Thrones and maybe take a nap.

Of course the idiots he was placed with would never let him do that. If he tried to go into the one private room, Tim or Dick would tell him not to. If he tried to close his eyes, someone would attempt to draw on his face. If he tried to watch his show with headphones on, someone would pull them out and start talking to him.

He was getting fed up of dealing with the boys so he picked up his backpack and walked to the cabin where the Captain was.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne," the pilot, Hal, greeted.

"Let's not make small talk, I'm tired and the creatures that are calling themselves my brothers are annoying me."

The pilot nodded his head and continued flying in silence.

"Steph, stop," Barbara laughed as she watched Stephanie walk like an ape around the small walkway on the jet. Bruce was laying on one of the leather couches sleeping while Cassandra was looking out the window.

"I'm Tim Drake. I wear a costume like Batman but without the ears," Stephanie snorted to herself.

"No, no," Barbara laughed. "Do Damian."

Stephanie crouched down and pretended to be holding something in her hands, moving them around. "I'm the spawn of Satan. You will all obey me, bwahahaha," Stephanie joked.

Barbara nearly fell over from laughing, enjoying the amusement her best friend caused her. When the girls finished their heckling, Alfred came in with refreshments.

"Nice, lemonade," Stephanie grinned as she took a long sip of the yellow-white beverage. She glanced to Barbara who was sipping on a spiced pink lemonade. "Do you think there will be sharks?"

Barbara looked up from her drink. "I don't think so, Steph. Did you tell anyone besides us about this concern?"

"No, you are Cass are the only ones who know. But I'm sure it will only take the boys a few hours at most to put it together."

"Don't worry, Steph. We will protect you from Jaws," Barbara laughed.

Stephanie reached over and hit Barbara on the arm. "Babs, I'm being serious."

"So am I," she laughed.

The blonde rolled her eyes and hoped that the rest of this vacation would go smoothly.

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